Home Mental Health What is it doing to teen brains?

What is it doing to teen brains?

by Universalwellnesssystems

(© olly – stock.adobe.com)

Internet addiction is problematic and compulsive use of the Internet that results in significant impairment in an individual’s functioning in multiple aspects of life, including social, work, and academics.

Internet addiction is becoming a global problem. The average individual screen time has increased to around three hours per day. Many people claim that their internet use is “compulsive.” In fact, over 30 million of the UK’s 50 million internet users admit that compulsive and habitual internet use is damaging their personal lives by destroying relationships and neglecting responsibilities.

Teens who are addicted to internet-connected devices experience significant changes in brain function, worsening addictive behaviors and disrupting normal development. Driven by uncontrollable urges, internet addiction interferes with their development, psychological health and every aspect of their lives: mental, emotional, social and physical.

A study by UCLA scientists has identified widespread changes in the brains of children, especially those between the ages of 10 and 19. In 10 years of research, The study, which concluded in 2023, collected survey results from 237 adolescents who were formally diagnosed with internet addiction.

Screen time: teenage girl looking at social media on smartphoneScreen time: teenage girl looking at social media on smartphone
Teens who are addicted to internet-connected devices experience significant changes in brain function, worsening addictive behaviors and disrupting normal development. (© Monkey Business – stock.adobe.com)

Effects on brain function

The scientists used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to look at different regions of the brain and different types of brain function at rest and during tasks. Some parts of the brain showed increased activity and some showed decreased activity. The most striking changes occurred in the connectivity of parts of the brain that are important for active thinking and decision-making.

Changes in brain function can manifest as addictive behaviors and impaired thinking and physical abilities. Teens’ immature brains experience changes that negatively impact their intellectual functioning, physical coordination, mental health, development, and overall well-being.

The adolescent brain is at a particularly vulnerable stage of development. It is susceptible to internet-related compulsive behaviors, such as incessantly clicking the mouse or browsing social media. The damage can be severe and disastrous. They may have trouble maintaining relationships, lie about their online activities, and have disrupted eating and sleeping patterns. Sleep disorders interfere with daytime concentration and chronic fatigue.

Brain function isn’t the only change that occurs in internet-addicted teens. Anxiety, depression, and social isolation are all serious consequences of uncontrollable urges. Of even greater concern are cyberbullying and exposure to inappropriate content, which can cause psychological distress and a distorted perception of reality.

Drug-dependent youth are less active, which leads to poorer physical health, weight gain, obesity, and related health problems. Their social skills are impaired, making face-to-face interactions more difficult. Young people “grow out of fixation.”

Youth behavior experts agree that the Internet does have significant benefits, but problems arise when computer use interferes with daily life and responsibilities. Treatments may address the underlying symptoms of Internet addiction by targeting specific areas of the brain or incorporating psychotherapy and family therapy. Additionally, educating parents about the signs of digital addiction can be an important preventative measure and help parents more effectively manage their children’s screen time and impulsive behavior.

The study not only sheds light on the fundamental changes to the brain caused by internet addiction, but also highlights the need for proactive measures to mitigate its impact on teens’ health and development.

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