Home Mental Health What is high-functioning depression? Here are symptoms to look for.

What is high-functioning depression? Here are symptoms to look for.

by Universalwellnesssystems

Mental health counselor Jeffrey Meltzer decided to write the following post because he sees clients who suffer from “high-functioning” depression almost every day. video About it on TikTok. He was nervous. The video currently has over 8 million views and over 5,000 comments on him.

“This sums me up,” one person wrote.

“Will it ever go away?” another person answered.

“Can someone tell me how to fix that?” wrote the third.

Meltzer, who meets with clients in-person and virtually in Bradenton, Florida, said it’s not always obvious if someone is suffering from depression. “There’s a myth” that people with depression can barely get out of bed in the morning, he says. “They can function and go to work and do all these things. But deep down, they’re feeling very depressed and feeling empty and alone.”

He said the response to Meltzer’s video “is a huge signal about the unmet mental health needs.” John RottenbergHe is a professor of psychology at the University of South Florida and studies the course and prognosis of depression.

The term high-functioning depression “really resonates with the fact that depression can be quite hidden,” Rottenberg says. “People can live with it for a long time until they get help.”

High-functioning depression is not a clinical diagnosis

High-functioning depression is neither a diagnosis nor a recognized clinical disorder. It is also not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the authoritative guide to mental disorders.

Although it’s not clear where exactly the term originated, “high-functioning depression” is a common term. topic It attracts millions of viewers on TikTok and YouTube. She gained attention on social media after former Miss USA 2022 Chesley Christ died by suicide. Chris’ mother said in a statement to the media that her daughter suffered from high-functioning depression and that she “hid it from everyone.”

Some medical experts say the term can be misleading and may be due to a lack of understanding of the term. various mental health disorders. But other therapists and mental health professionals say the term has helped people understand that depression isn’t always obvious.

The study could help people think about depression in ways that “may be different” than the typical symptoms we associate with depression, said Vail Wright, a psychologist and senior director of health care innovation at the American Psychological Association. He said there is.

“There’s no one-size-fits-all version of depression,” Wright says. “In children and adolescents, it looks more like irritation. Men as well. It looks more like anger and substance abuse.”

Signs of high functioning depression

In a viral TikTok video, Meltzer lays out seven signs that may indicate high-functioning depression. Other mental health experts say Meltzer’s video identifies many of the emotions that can be symptoms of depression.

“I feel that way sometimes in the doctors I work with, other doctors, and sometimes even myself,” he said. Srijan Sen, professor and executive director of the Eisenberg Family Depression Center at the University of Michigan. “It’s about highlighting that and letting people know they’re not the only ones who find it valuable.”

The seven signs of high-functioning depression highlighted in Meltzer’s video are:

  1. Isolation from friends and family.
  2. I no longer found joy in the activities I loved.
  3. Criticize yourself relentlessly.
  4. Irritation due to small irritations and setbacks.
  5. I keep doing pointless habits for hours on end.
  6. I always feel low on energy.
  7. I am completing my daily tasks, but my heart feels empty.

get professional help

APA’s Wright said depression is a “collection of symptoms” that involves some degree of sadness or melancholy. Sleeping too much or too little, having trouble concentrating, eating too much or too little, and feeling “hopeless” can all be signs of depression.

Pankhuri Agarwal, Madigan Family Clinical Research Fellow at Northwestern University’s Family Institute, said she doesn’t want people to self-diagnose based on a list of signs and symptoms they find online. “It’s really important for them to go see a mental health professional,” she says.

She pointed out that there are two criteria that are “considered core to depression.” Either you feel depressed or “blue,” or you no longer find joy in activities that you once found enjoyable.

“People who used to really enjoy swimming still go swimming, but they don’t find the same level of pleasure as before,” Agarwal said. “You keep doing the same activities. It just doesn’t bring you the same level of excitement or energy that it used to.”

Agarwal said the term high-functioning depression refers to people who feel depressed but don’t show signs of it to their friends or family because they “don’t want to put this burden on other people.” , said he may be fighting to suppress depression.

“Perhaps it’s not safe to express depression within your environment, community or group,” she says. “You can’t necessarily go to her boss and say you’re depressed.”

The word “hope” when talking about depression

Isabella, a 25-year-old graduate student who was diagnosed with depression 10 years ago, said she first heard about high-functioning depression while watching videos on YouTube while in high school. Currently, she uses this term to explain her own diagnosis to her friends and therapists. She asked that her full name not be used to protect her medical privacy.

Isabella said these words give her reassurance that she will get through this. “I can do this and be successful.”

“The whole aspect of being high-functioning gave me a lot of hope,” she said. “I can be a normal human being who goes through their lives and experiences their successes and depression is kind of an afterthought.”

Sen said he encourages people to seek help from a clinician if stress, depression or anxiety begins to affect their daily lives. Wright said “for most people” it will start with their doctor.

Social media videos can help people recognize their symptoms and realize that depression is “not a single thing,” Rottenberg said. Self-diagnosis by watching videos on TikTok can be an “important first step” to seeking professional help, he said.

“Two different people can have depression, and they can look completely different,” Rottenberg says. “From people who are depressed to people who go to work and put out a top-notch product, they’re both depressed. They’re both struggling.”

If you or someone you know needs help, please visit 988lifeline.org Or call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988.

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