Home Mental Health What is ‘fawning’? How is it related to trauma and the ‘fight or flight’ response?

What is ‘fawning’? How is it related to trauma and the ‘fight or flight’ response?

by Universalwellnesssystems

You’ve probably heard about the “fight or flight” reaction to dire situations. You may also be familiar with its tendency to “freeze”. But there is another defense or survival strategy that a person can have. It’s a “fawn”.

When our brain perceives threats in the environment, sympathetic nervous system Taking over, a person can experience any of them, or a combination of them. 4F reaction.

What are the 4 F’s?

of fawn This reaction usually occurs when a person is being attacked in some way and tries to appease or appease the attacker in order to protect himself.

a fight A reaction is when someone reacts aggressively to a threat.

Flight It’s when a person reacts by running away. React by literally walking away from the situation or symbolically by distracting or avoiding the dire situation.

a freezing This response occurs when a person (whether consciously or not) realizes that they cannot resist the threat and moves away from themselves or becomes immobilized. They may “space out” and pay no attention, feel disconnected from their bodies, or have difficulty speaking after feeling threatened.

Read more: More than half of Australians experience trauma, most before the age of 17. we need to talk about it.

What is it like to be a fawn?

Formerly known as appeasement or “pleasing,” the term “fluffiness” was coined by psychotherapists. pete walker in his 2013 book Complexity PTSD: From Survival to Thrive.

The phone response looks like this:

  • pleasing (doing something to gain approval or be liked by others)
  • Excessive dependence on others (difficult to make decisions without others’ input)
  • Prioritize the needs of others and ignore your own
  • overly agreeable
  • I have trouble saying no
  • In more serious cases, dissociate (detach from mind and body).

There is not much research on this reaction yet, but the fawn reaction is common in experienced people. complex trauma It can occur in childhood, including in children raised by caregivers who are mentally or physically abusive.

Amae is also observed in people in the following situations: interpersonal violence (domestic violence, assault, kidnapping, etc.) when the perpetrator needs to be soothed or calmed down in order to survive.

Fawning differs from other F reactions in that it appears to be a uniquely human response.

Emotional abuse is common among people who have been emotionally abused by their caregivers.
Annie Spratt/Unsplash

READ MORE: Emotional Abuse Is A Harmful Message Pattern – Developing Parenting Skills May Prevent It

why do people flirt

research He suggests that people flirt for two reasons.

  1. To protect ourselves or others from physical or psychological harm (such as childhood trauma)
  2. To build or improve an emotional connection with the perpetrator of harm (such as a caregiver).

This type of reaction is adaptive when traumatic events occur. Appeasing the attacker or perpetrator helps that person avoid harm.

However, long-term use of this type of reaction as an automatic response to everyday stressors (such as difficult interactions with bosses or neighbors) can have negative consequences.

If a person is constantly trying to appease others, they may experience boundary problems, form a consistent identity, and feel insecure in their relationships with others.

Read more: Trauma is trending – but we need to look beyond the buzzword and face its uglier side

What should I do if I become a “fawn”?

Agedness is usually a response to interpersonal relationships and complex trauma, so being spoiled in response to everyday stressors may indicate a need for healing.

If this is you and you have a history of complicated trauma, seek psychological support from a professional trained in trauma-based practices. Trauma-based care means that psychological care is holistic, empowering, strengths-focused, supportive and reflective.

Evidence-based treatments that can help after trauma include the following:

Depending on where you live, Free counseling service May be available to those who were abused as children.

Setting healthy boundaries is also a common focus when working with fawn reactions, and can be done on your own or with a therapist.

If you have any problems with this article or are concerned about someone you know, please call Lifeline at 13 11 14.

Read more: What is EMDR therapy and how does it help people who have experienced trauma?

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