Home Mental Health What is burnout? Causes, symptoms and what to do about it

What is burnout? Causes, symptoms and what to do about it

by Universalwellnesssystems

Vacation is just around the corner and hopefully you’ll get a much-needed break from work. According to statistics, Zippia89% of working Americans have experienced some form of burnout in the past year, and the number one cause of experiencing burnout is “excessive workload.”

In 2019, burnout was “included in the International Classification of Diseases, Eleventh Revision (ICD-11) as an occupational phenomenon. It is not classified as a medical condition.” who.

What is burnout?

“Burnout is a state of complete mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion. If you are experiencing burnout, you may find it difficult to participate in activities that you would normally find meaningful. not.” Darling Downs Health. “You may stop caring about things that are important to you, or you may feel an increased sense of hopelessness.”

What are the symptoms of burnout?

Physical symptoms of burnout include:

  • headache.
  • Stomach problems.
  • Malaise.
  • I feel sick frequently.
  • Lack of sleep and loss of appetite.

Emotional symptoms of burnout include:

  • I feel something is missing.
  • negative emotions.
  • Self-doubt.
  • Lack of satisfaction.
  • I feel isolated.
  • Lack of motivation.

What causes burnout?

Feeling undervalued or overworked can trigger symptoms of burnout that can make you feel better. To combat these feelings, harvard business review We recommend focusing on:

  1. Organize tasks based on importance.
  2. Assign responsibility to others.
  3. Reject additional commitments.
  4. Adopt a more flexible approach to completing tasks.

Anxiety can make life feel overwhelming as you are constantly unsure of whether your life decisions are right and feel like you have lost control at times. harvard business review He suggests asking yourself, “What on earth is making me feel this way?”

Once you understand the roots of your emotions, evaluate which aspects of your life can be influenced, or which aspects do not change regardless of your actions or words.

How to prevent burnout

Burnout is a condition that needs to be taken seriously because it can take a huge toll on an individual.

“It can lead to personal and work dissatisfaction, social isolation, relationship problems, depression, substance abuse, and in extreme cases, suicide.” Midwestern University. “Therefore, it is important to learn how to prevent burnout and seek professional medical attention if it occurs.”

When experiencing burnout, many people look for easy solutions to relieve their discomfort. While this can be beneficial, it usually only brings temporary peace. It is also important to focus on approaches that will bring about deeper and more lasting change.

mind tools We suggest the following tips to prevent burnout.

  • Work with purpose.
  • Be clear about what is expected of you.
  • Focus on serving others.
  • Take control of your situation.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Work on stress management.

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