Home Mental Health What is bed rotting? Health experts weigh in on the self-care trend

What is bed rotting? Health experts weigh in on the self-care trend

by Universalwellnesssystems

TikTok has become a merry-go-round of self-care trends, some helpful, some dangerous, but one recent trend seems to require a little less effort than others.

the bed rotsis a phenomenon that has garnered millions of views across social media platforms, spending long periods of time lying in bed to rest and deal with stress and feelings of stress. (perhaps wrapping up in a blanket, scrolling through social media with a snack in hand). anxiety.

The trend sparked mixed reactions from Gen Z users and beyond across TikTok. Sleep scientist Vanessa Hill, creator of the PBS series Braincraft, said: praised Bed rot is “perfect” and “100% backed by science.”Another user, “snarly carly,” said she lay in bed for hours feeling anxious and depressed. didn’t help Her mental health is perfectly fine. And influencer Patrick Kelly used bed rot as an opportunity to partner with bed sheet companies to advertisement Elaborating his “Rotten Sunday Routine”.

According to one study, 42% of Gen Z ages 19-24 have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. 2022 Survey, the most common diagnoses include anxiety and depression. So it’s no wonder young people seek simple self-care methods.

So is bed rot a legally safe self-care ritual? What do offline experts think about it?

“I think you can do that if you want,” said Jessica Gold, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. CNN“And I let myself do it, as long as you understand why you’re doing it and keep an eye on other coping skills as well.”

the bed is rotten explained As a way to get much-needed rest in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s an opportunity for introverts to “refill their social batteries, especially after gatherings,” combat “Sunday fears,” and recharge in advance. as a perfect remedy for Faced with a daunting week of work.

While bed rot is beneficial for purifying the mind, it can also have negative consequences. Bed rot can lead to isolation, preventing people from ignoring their feelings and participating in self-care activities that might help, experts say.

Lying in bed for long periods of time on a regular basis can be a sign of depression and can increase the risk of mental health conditions. Prolonged bed rot can lead to weight gain from sedentary behavior and binge eating, which can disrupt sleep schedules.

“Our brains are fine-tuned to sleep in the dark and wake up in the light,” said Ryan Sultan, a licensed psychiatrist. fox news. “Lying in bed half-asleep during the day worsens sleep regulation, and once regulation is disrupted, it is difficult to correct.”

Alternative activities suggested by experts include spending time with friends, exercise and mindfulness practices. For those who don’t feel like leaving the house, reading a book or journaling may be a more beneficial option than watching TV or scrolling through social media.

People should not feel pressured to participate in activities that others may find relaxing, but instead focus on finding the coping mechanisms that work best for them. Talking to a therapist can help you learn other coping skills and identify the root cause of mental health issues.

“It’s normal to feel tired after a long day, but if it’s interfering with your work, social life, or other important activities, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about your symptoms. says Kelly Glaser Barron, associate professor of family studies. preventive medicine researchers at the University of Utah told CNN.

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