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What is ALS? Experts explain symptoms to look out for, causes and treatments

by Universalwellnesssystems

Sandra Bullock’s longtime partner Brian Randall dies He died at the age of 57 after personally battling ALS for three years, his family said. The news has brought renewed attention to the disease and raised questions about what the diagnosis means.

ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, causing the brain to lose control over muscle movements. As the disease progresses, people eventually lose the ability to speak, eat, move and breathe. ALS Association.

Also known as Lou GehrigA disease of a legendary New York Yankees player who contracted the disease in the late 1930s.

“Although ALS may be thought of as a rare disease, it’s actually more common than people think, affecting 1 in 300 Americans. It can happen to anyone at any time.” and it’s always fatal,” said Brian Frederick, senior vice president of communications for the ALS Association. CBS news.

More than 30,000 people in the United States are believed to have ALS, with an average 5,000 people According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ALS is diagnosed each year in the United States.

“ALS is a devastating disease,” Dr. Sandeep Rana of Allegheny Health Network recently said. CBS News Pittsburgh. “This is a neurological disorder in which patients begin to become debilitated. They lose strength and lose muscle mass.”

What Causes ALS?

Experts do not know the exact cause of ALS. Only a minority of cases appear to have a genetic component.

“About 5 to 10 percent of all ALS cases are familial (also called hereditary or hereditary). Mutations in more than a dozen genes have been found to cause familial ALS.” National Institutes of Health Note.

Nearly all other cases of ALS are believed to be sporadic, the NIH explained, meaning the disease “may occur randomly, with no apparent associated risk factors or family history.” are doing.

The disease can strike anyone at any time, but usually occurs between the ages of 40 and 70, according to the ALS Association.

Life expectancy with this disease is 2 to 5 years.

Symptoms of ALS

According to the NIH, the early signs and symptoms of the disease are:

  • Muscle spasms in the arms, legs, shoulders, and tongue.
  • hard and stiff muscles.
  • Weakness affecting the arms, legs, neck, and diaphragm.
  • A slurred, nasal way of speaking.
  • Difficulty chewing and swallowing.

As the disease progresses, symptoms of muscle weakness spread to other parts of the body, causing additional difficulties with daily activities, such as:

  • Unable to stand, walk, or use hands or arms.
  • Difficulty chewing or swallowing food.
  • Difficulty speaking or forming words.
  • Difficulty breathing.

“ALS patients eventually lose the ability to breathe on their own and become dependent on a ventilator,” the NIH said. “Most people with ALS die from respiratory failure.”

Treatment for ALS

There is currently no cure for ALS, and no treatment to reverse its progression. FDA approved Several medicinebut their advantage is limited.

The quest for new answers to combat ALS was the inspiration behind this blockbuster book. ice bucket challenge 10 years ago, Raised over $200 million for research.

“Thanks to the 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, we’ve been able to make some progress in changing the trajectory of ALS,” Frederick said, adding that the funds raised “will be used to develop new treatments and A new gene has been discovered, a global research collaboration and a significant expansion of ALS care and support across the country.”

But patients and families are still waiting for breakthroughs.

“We still have a long way to go, but we hope to be able to transform ALS from a deadly disease to a livable disease by the end of the decade,” Frederick said.

Ice Bucket Challenge at Fenway Park - athletes and staff pour buckets of water to raise money for ALS research
Red Sox players and staff participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge at Fenway Park with co-founders Pete Frates (center) and Pat Quinn (left) on July 31, 2015. . Frates died in 2019 and Quinn in 2020 from ALS.

Arthur Pollock/Media News Group/Boston Herald via Getty Images

At this time, options to help people living with this disease include supportive care by doctors, home nurses and other health care professionals.

“These teams can develop personalized treatment plans and provide specialized equipment aimed at keeping people as mobile, comfortable and independent as possible,” said the NIH. explain.

In a statement, Brian Randall’s family said they were grateful to the “energetic doctors” and “amazing nurses” who helped care for him “often sacrificing their own to be with ours.” Thank you.

Patients may also benefit from physical and occupational therapy. Speech-language pathologists help maintain communication skills. A nutritionist can plan and prepare balanced meals that are easier to swallow.

Artificial intelligence is also beginning to play a role in helping ALS patients communicate. CBS News Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. John LaPook recently reported: New technology to help patients Speak through a process called voice preservation.

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