Home Nutrition What Happens to Your Body When You Take a NAD Supplement

What Happens to Your Body When You Take a NAD Supplement

by Universalwellnesssystems

Preventing the appearance of aging (wrinkles, wrinkles!) may be a top priority for many people.

It’s no wonder, then, that some people turn to supplements to try to slow the effects of aging on their bodies. NAD (also sold under the name NAD+) is an anti-aging supplement. many Lately, it’s been getting a lot of attention thanks to celebrities like Hailey Bieber and Kendall Jenner.

But aging isn’t just on the surface. Healthy aging also means aging ‘well’ to avoid chronic disease and stay sharp, strong and energetic. And many NAD supplements also promise these benefits.

Are NAD supplements really different from the dozens of anti-aging supplements on the market? Find out what actually happens to your body when you take NAD supplements and whether there are any potential downsides. To find out, we took a closer look at the latest research. This is what we found.

What is NAD supplement?

First, let’s explain what NAD is and why it becomes important as we age. NAD (abbreviation for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a substance that is found throughout our bodies. It acts as a coenzyme, or an assistant that helps the body’s enzymes do important jobs, such as repairing damaged DNA, keeping the body’s clock in sync, and converting food into energy.

As we age, NAD levels naturally decrease by an average of 50%. One reason for this is the low production volume. But it’s also because we need more to fight the cell damage and inflammation that comes with normal aging. Many of the negative effects of aging on the body, such as decreased energy levels, mental fatigue, weakened immune system, and increased risk of chronic disease, are thought to be due to decreased NAD levels. Therefore, the theory behind supplements is that by replacing decreasing NAD with supplements, we may be able to prevent some of these age-related consequences.

Despite the name NAD supplements, they don’t actually contain NAD itself. Instead, it is made from NAD precursors, which are substances that the body can use to make NAD. Many popular NAD supplements contain alternative forms of the B vitamin niacin, usually nicotinamide riboside (NR) or nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN). , NAD supplements can be taken in a variety of ways, including tablets, powders, and lozenges. It can also be taken intravenously, but this is not recommended.

Health benefits of NAD supplements

Although the number of studies on NAD supplementation is increasing, most human studies have been short-term and small-scale, so there is still much to learn. Here’s what we know so far about the potential benefits of taking NAD supplements.

May reduce inflammation

Chronic inflammation can increase the risk of various chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. It also greatly affects the aging process. In fact, “inflammation” is a term used to describe the mild inflammation that is characteristic of aging. Some studies show that NAD supplements may reduce some inflammation and promote healthier aging. But researchers say more research is needed.

May support heart health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, so the sooner you start taking steps to improve your heart health, the better. NAD supplements may benefit the heart by addressing inflammation, may help maintain blood vessel health, and improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels., Research shows that NAD supplementation may also benefit heart failure patients by helping heart cells produce energy more efficiently and reducing inflammation.

May be good for muscles

Muscle loss is an inevitable part of aging. Exercise helps maintain muscle, but NAD supplementation may also be beneficial, although research results are mixed. For example, one small study in men over 65 found that taking NAD for 6 to 12 weeks improved grip strength and walking speed. However, another study found that hand grip strength was not affected.

may protect your brain

It’s never too early to make changes to your diet and lifestyle to protect your brain health. Reduced levels of NAD in the brain are associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease. Research has found that taking NAD supplements lowers biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease, insulin resistance, and inflammation, which may support healthy brain aging.

Who should avoid NAD supplements?

“NAD supplements are generally considered safe for most people when used for short periods of time, up to 12 weeks,” says Dr. Alexandria Hardy RDN, LDNa registered dietitian based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. However, she cautions that children and pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid taking NAD supplements, as there is not enough research to support their use.

This isn’t the only reason why NAD supplements don’t make sense for everyone. “Cost is also an important consideration, as many supplements are expensive and can be prohibitive for certain people,” says Hardy.

People living with cancer or with a history of cancer should also avoid taking NAD supplements. “Animal studies have revealed that certain niacin-based compounds may actually increase the risk of developing and spreading certain cancers,” Hardy says.


  • Are NAD supplements really effective?

    “Clinical trials of NAD supplements have been inconclusive regarding their effectiveness,” Hardy says. We know that taking NAD supplements can increase your NAD levels. However, larger and longer-term research studies are needed to determine whether NAD supplementation leads to long-term anti-aging health benefits.

  • Do NAD supplements have dangerous side effects?

    NAD supplements are generally considered safe when taken at recommended doses. However, there are not enough studies to know the effects of long-term NAD supplementation. In the short term, side effects are mild and include nausea, facial flushing, diarrhea, rash, fatigue, headache, and calf cramps. It is always best to consult your healthcare provider before adding NAD or any other supplement to your daily routine.

  • What does NAD do to your body?

    NAD is a natural coenzyme that helps repair damaged DNA, maintain your body clock, and convert food into energy. As we age, NAD levels naturally decline. As a result, the theory is that boosting levels with supplements may reduce some of the physical effects of aging.


Now that we can live longer, our goal is to age in good health. NAD supplements may help, but they’re only one piece of the puzzle to staying healthy as you age. Although NAD supplements sound reassuring, more research is needed to fully understand how NAD supplements support healthy aging and to clarify the appropriate intake. If you want to increase your NAD levels without supplements, there are healthy habits that can turn back the clock. In fact, research reveals that getting enough exercise and sleep, and eating a balanced, low-fat, low-sugar diet can help increase NAD production naturally. After all, a healthy lifestyle can be the most powerful anti-aging supplement.

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