Home Medicine What Happens to Your Body on Ozempic?

What Happens to Your Body on Ozempic?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Semaglutide, marketed under the brand names Ozempic and Wegovy, is making national headlines.

The current buzz around semaglutide stems primarily from its off-label use for weight loss. Celebrities and influencers have allegedly used these expensive drugs to lose weight.

“The purpose of these drugs is not to provide a quick solution, and they should not be used solely for cosmetic problems. Amy Wariner, M.D.Said healthWarriner is a professor of medicine and director of the Weight Loss Clinic at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Not only has the growing popularity for weight loss caused individuals taking it to lose a few pounds as a side effect, but the trend has also made the drugs less available to those who need them for medical reasons. make it difficult to Food and Drug Association Ozempic and Wegovy injections are “currently in short supply,” he said.

“People can go online, fill out a few questions, look up their BMI and comorbid medical conditions, and get semaglutide very easily if they are willing to pay for it out of pocket.” Jennifer Derennes, M.D.Equip’s Vice President of Healthcare said: health.

Importantly, the effects of these drugs in people without overweight or diabetes have not been studied. There is a tension between possibilities.

Dr. Derennes, who specializes in eating disorder research and recovery, says, “Restrictive behavior can cause a person to become biologically vulnerable and lead to truly unhealthy behaviors.

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Semaglutide is a synthetic version of the human hormone called glucagon-like peptide 1, or GLP-1. A natural version of this hormone is secreted in our intestines to let the body know when we are full. Semaglutide is injected as a clear solution.

After injection, semaglutide increases insulin production and lowers blood sugar. This slows down emptying of the stomach, reduces appetite, and makes you feel full.

Semaglutide is marketed under the brand names Ozempic and Wegovy. In 2017, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Ozempic to treat her type 2 diabetes. Wegovy is approved for chronic weight management in obese or overweight adults with at least one weight-related condition, such as high blood pressure, in 2021.

Ozempic helps people with type 2 diabetes because it affects blood sugar levels. People with type 2 diabetes either don’t make enough insulin or don’t use it properly. This can lead to high blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes. Some people can control their blood sugar levels with diet and exercise, while others need to manage them with medication.

Wegovy is intended to be served with a low-calorie, low-fat diet and exercise program. It slows the movement of food through the stomach, which can reduce appetite and cause weight loss.

The most common side effects of Ozempic are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and constipation. Although patients are advised to consult their physicians before stopping use, the FDA also says that semaglutide injections should be stopped immediately and if a severe allergic reaction occurs, seek medical attention. increase.

In rare cases, Ozempic can cause more serious side effects such as inflammation of the pancreas, changes in vision, and severe allergic reactions.

Wegovy has some common side effects, including nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, stomach pain, headache, fatigue, dizziness, gas buildup, belching, and low blood sugar. It can also cause gastroenteritis, an intestinal infection, and gastroesophageal reflux disease, a digestive disorder. It has not been studied in patients with a history of pancreatitis and is not recommended for those with gallbladder problems.

Wegovy also includes warnings against suicidal behavior and thoughts.

The growing interest in semaglutide injections as a “first aid” for weight loss “is a bit of a hole in the stomach,” says Dr. Derenne. She worries about potential eating disorders and a toxic desire to change her body for aesthetic rather than health reasons. She added that it could create a negative relationship with

Before prescribing Ozempic or Wegovy, Dr. Warriner screens patients for anorexia nervosa. She also discusses the goals of her patients to ensure that the goals she is setting with them are realistic. In addition, priority is given to improving lifestyle habits that are not related to drugs, such as diet and exercise.

“We should not use these drugs without considering their eating behavior and the potential for disordered eating habits,” said Dr. Warriner.

Dr. Derennes is also concerned that “these drugs run the risk of being over-prescribed,” as some people are misclassified as unhealthy based on their body mass index (BMI) alone. BMI is not a perfect measure of health.

Expectations related to semaglutide drug use may also lead to poorer mental health. Some people choose to use these because they want to be happier and healthier, but those changes are not guaranteed.

“I think some people may feel depressed or anxious because they had put their hopes into this as a life-changing intervention, but they are still themselves and their relationships are still there,” explained Dr. Derennes. “Weight loss alone won’t change everything.”

Semaglutide causes a delay in a process called gastric emptying.

“When you eat food, it stays in the stomach for a short time, but then it’s pushed out into the intestine and starts moving through the intestinal tract,” explains Dr. Derenne.

Semaglutide alters this process so that individuals feel full faster, stay fuller and feel less hungry. This is why its use leads to weight loss.

A study in people with type 2 diabetes found that semaglutide also lowered blood sugar levels.

There are few studies on the use of Ozempic and Wegovy by people who have not been prescribed these drugs for diabetes or obesity, so it’s hard to say what these drugs will do for those individuals, Dr. Warriner said. Stated.

Wegovy has only been on the market as an anti-obesity drug since 2021, so there are uncertainties about its long-term effects. So far, people’s bodies seem to get used to the drugs over time, and “the longer you use these drugs, the more powerful effects they start to wane,” says Dr. Warriner.

Because the drug’s use for weight loss is so new, no data are available on its long-term effects.

But Dr. Warriner said liraglutide, another injectable drug used to treat type 2 diabetes, could provide a good point of comparison. With liraglutide, over time, patients get “a more blunted, suppressed effect on hunger reduction and appetite satiety,” she explained.

As with any drug, stopping semaglutide is not without side effects. And, as is the case with many other weight loss methods, the weight may return when an individual stops Ozempic.

In a 2022 study funded by Novo Nordisk, which manufactures Ozempic and Wegovy, people who stopped using semaglutide after 68 weeks of use regained two-thirds of the weight they had lost.

On the other hand, these are “not drugs that our bodies become addicted to. There are no significant withdrawal or significant rebound effects,” emphasized Dr. Warriner, who has also observed increased appetite in diabetics. .

Ultimately, this drug is intended to be used consistently for the benefits it offers people with needs identified by their doctor. is not intended.

“The goal is to improve overall health, reduce morbidity and reduce mortality,” concluded Dr. Warriner. “There are many people who could benefit from a drug like semaglutide.”

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