Home Fitness What happens to the body when you have a glass of carrot-radish drink once a day?

What happens to the body when you have a glass of carrot-radish drink once a day?

by Universalwellnesssystems

The only way to achieve your weight loss goal is to do it rain or shine. heat waveWhile a healthy diet and fitness habits make a big difference, there are drinks that can help you lose weight while keeping you hydrated and cool. One such “simple yet effective fat burning drink recipe” was shared by gut bacteria expert Shonali Sabharwal, who said that this drink is for those who want to shed excess fat. fat“It’s packed with nutrients and easy to prepare,” she added.


1/2 cup – Grated gajar (carrot)
1/2 cup – grated radish
1 1/2 cup – water


*Boil grated carrots and radish.
*Boil for about 3 to 4 minutes.

“Enjoy both the vegetables and the soup while getting plenty of nutrition. Fat burning promotion” , Sabharwal said.

According to a study published in the December 2015 issue: Lifestyle GenomicsCertain nutrients in carrot juice may aid in weight loss. In particular, researchers have found that vitamin A helps with weight loss. Belly fatIt is particularly effective in reducing visceral fat (the fatty tissue that surrounds vital organs and increases the risk of cardiometabolic disorders). “Carrots are rich in soluble and insoluble fibre, making them ideal for healthy weight loss,” says Shikha Singh, clinical nutritionist, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram.

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Singh said low GI foods such as radish also help in weight loss as they control blood sugar levels. “This helps balance blood insulin levels, which are required for proper fat burning. Radish is also a low-calorie vegetable that leaves you feeling full and satisfied,” he added.

Rich fiber Promotes regular bowel movements and prevents constipation.

Gut Health How do you look after your gut health? (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

The diuretic properties of radish help flush excess fluid and toxins from the body. “But it’s important to note that this juice is no miracle drug. Fat Burner “It won’t help you lose weight overnight. It is rich in vitamin A, carotenoids, antioxidants and other bioactive compounds that prevent obesity-related complications,” Singh said.

By combining these two, metabolismAyurvedic expert and nutritionist Dr Anjana Kalia said, “Drinking carrot and radish juice once a day can help reduce water retention and promote weight loss. This juice can be consumed as a snack between breakfast and lunch to curb mid-morning hunger and is a good source of fibre and fluids, helping to maintain beautiful skin and a feeling of fullness,” Dr Kalia added.

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