Home Nutrition What are the healthiest chips? The truth about Sun Chips, other brands

What are the healthiest chips? The truth about Sun Chips, other brands

by Universalwellnesssystems

Americans love potatoes – just in Idaho Producing over 12 billion lbs. About one of those years.

Potatoes are versatile and can be mashed, fried, or baked, and are packed with a variety of nutrients. vitamins and minerals. Andy Weir’s astronaut protagonist famously survived on Mars by eating nothing but potatoes in his 2011 fiction novel. “Martian” These are starchy vegetables, meaning that even though they have more calories and less fiber than other vegetables, they contain carbohydrates that your body breaks down and uses for energy, helping you feel full. means.

So if potatoes are healthy, what’s so unhealthy about potato chips? And are there healthy potato chips?

What are the healthiest chips?

There are two major health concerns with potato chips. It’s not the vegetables or grains used in your potato chips, it’s how they’re prepared and how much you eat.

A 2017 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that frequent consumption of French fries was associated with symptoms such as: increased mortality, On the other hand, the consumption of non-fried potatoes is not. Although small amounts of oil are a good source of healthy fats, consuming large amounts can cause health problems.

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