Home Nutrition What are the healthiest beans? Protein, fiber-filled options to try.

What are the healthiest beans? Protein, fiber-filled options to try.

by Universalwellnesssystems

Whether it’s blacks, pintos, kidneys, lima or mung, the grocery store’s bean section has something for everyone. Some beans don’t look like beans. Black Eyed Peas No, we’re not talking about the “I Gotta Feeling” group.

Beans that Americans like the most pinto beans, It is often used to make refried beans, according to the U.S. Dry Bean Council. Navy Beans, Great Northern Beans, Red Kidney Beans, and Black Beans round out the remaining top five.

But what are the best ones to take? Here’s what experts say:

What are the healthiest beans?

It’s hard to go wrong with any kind of beans.Beans are said to be a “treasure trove of nutrients” Registered Dietitian Daniel Crumble Smith. Rich in dietary fiber, protein and iron, resistant starch, is a type of starch that improves intestinal health because it does not raise glucose. It also contains polyphenols, Acts as an antioxidant It may also protect against some cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases.

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