Home Products Westchester County issues public health alert over potential exposure to parasitic infection from American Legion Hall dinners

Westchester County issues public health alert over potential exposure to parasitic infection from American Legion Hall dinners

by Universalwellnesssystems

The Westchester County Health Department has issued a statement to those who attended the “Game Dinner” held at the American Legion Post in Mount Kisco on January 19th and January 20th to receive food provided there. Several people became unwell and were advised to contact a doctor.

The American Legion tells News 12 the space was rented out and an outside food vendor was preparing the meals.

The Westchester Health Department announced that the two people had toxoplasmosis, an infection caused by a parasite that lives in undercooked meat.

It is believed they became ill after eating venison (also known as venison) that was served at an event last month.

Officials said about 20 people have developed symptoms, and test results have so far come back confirming the infection of two people.

Their symptoms included fever, muscle pain and sore throat.

Officials said toxoplasmosis is not contagious and there are treatment options, but there is reason to be concerned.

“We are especially concerned about people who may have taken the food home or who may have ingested it by others,” said Dr. Dial Hewlett Jr., medical director of the county health department. . “Especially women who may be pregnant or people with weakened immune systems.”

They have these concerns because it can cause miscarriages and birth defects for pregnant women, and can be fatal for people with weakened immune systems.

Dr Hewlett added: 'We want to make sure people know that if they attend these dinners, if they consume venison, they should seek medical attention if they have symptoms. If you have any questions, our department will be happy to answer them.”

The health department can be reached at 914-813-5180 during business hours and 914-813-5000 after hours.

CDC is Recommendations It is posted on a website that helps prevent toxoplasmosis.

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