Home Fitness Weight Loss Story: This Bangalore man lost 20 kgs by regular walks in the neighbourhood

Weight Loss Story: This Bangalore man lost 20 kgs by regular walks in the neighbourhood

by Universalwellnesssystems
Life can serve as a wake-up call when you least expect it. For Vivek K. Chaitanya, a middle-aged IT consultant in Bangalore, that moment came exactly a year ago, when he faced a medical event that changed his outlook on health. happinessHe embarked on an inspiring weight loss journey, dropping around 20kg and slimming his waist from 38 inches to a fitter 34/32 inches.
His conversion It reflects his dedication and determination towards health and sets an example for others to follow. Today, he wants to share his journey to losing weight, overcoming obstacles and finding a healthier version of himself – without fad diets, weight loss pills or hours at the gym. Here is his story of dedication, strength and tenacity to lose weight and get healthy:

turning point

A year ago, I underwent a medical procedure that required a few days of hospitalization. The experience was a stark reminder of how fragile life is and how important it is to take care of your health. The doctor delivered the news in solemn terms that left no room for doubt: I would face serious health consequences if I didn’t make drastic changes to my lifestyle. That realization hit me hard. I had a family that depended on me, and I wanted to be there for them, to make more memories, to share more moments.

The journey begins

The first few weeks were the hardest. Changing old habits is never easy, especially when it comes to food. exerciseI started by setting small and achievable goals. One of the biggest changes I made was to completely eliminate cooking oils, ghee, processed foods and sugar from my diet. I replaced sugar with jaggery and started including seeds like pumpkin, sunflower, watermelon, flax and black raisins in my diet. I started eating more fruits and vegetables and drinking lots of water. Portion control was essential. I learnt to enjoy small meals without feeling deprived. Temptation would come and ironically, people around me would try to destabilise my journey for the sake of fun. But I never indulged in comfort food. My Mindset It’s about ignoring external noise and stressful situations, accepting them as they are, and making solving them a priority.

Get some exercise

Exercise became a cornerstone of my weight loss journey. I started with just walking around my neighborhood. As my fitness improved, I gradually increased the intensity and duration of my walks. Light aerobics also became part of my routine. I focused on eating dinner early and maintaining a regular sleep schedule. This contributed greatly to my overall health.

Overcoming challenges

There were days when I wanted to give up. The scale didn’t always show progress and there were times when I was tempted to indulge in comfort foods. But I learned that getting through hard times requires strong willpower and making the right choices, even when my family and friends were not directly involved in my journey. I had to find alternatives to the foods I prepared for my family and be vigilant in my choices. I continually measured, monitored and improved my health metrics. I cheered myself on and celebrated every pound lost, even when others laughed at my efforts. This journey is a testament to self-help, grit and determination.

The role of mindset

One of the most important lessons I learnt is the power of positive thinking. I started practicing mindfulness and meditation to manage stress and stay focused. Though it was tough to stay regular with meditation, I can say that it helped me relax. Listening to podcasts, songs and immersing myself in OTT platforms every now and then also helped me relax. Stepping away from work and focusing on uncompleted tasks helped my overall stress levels go down.

Celebrating a milestone

Every goal was a victory, even if it was small. Losing those first few pounds, being able to wear clothes that I hadn’t worn in years, having to buy new clothes or put new holes in my belt – these were the moments that kept me motivated. I quietly celebrated these achievements, knowing that each step forward was a testament to my determination and perseverance.


Today, I look back over the past 12 months and am amazed at the changes. I have lost a lot of weight, but more importantly, I have a new energy for life. Here are the major changes in my health metrics over the past year:

My daily diet plan

My diet plan was also key to my success. I focused on healthy, nutritious foods available in an average Indian household. I supplemented this with lemon honey and warm water throughout the day. This balanced approach ensured I was getting all the nutrients I needed while avoiding unhealthy temptations.


Poha or Dalia or a little corn or oil-free paratha or curd and moong paratha
Seed combination (pumpkin, sunflower, watermelon, flax, black raisin)
Fresh fruits such as apples and bananas
Tea without sugar


Whole grains like wheat, rice, corn, ragi, jowar (2 chapatis/1 small bowl of rice)
Dal (lentils), green seasonal vegetables (hari sabji), no potatoes


A light meal, similar to lunch but smaller in volume.
Fresh salad with tomatoes, garlic and mushrooms
Early dinner and a regular sleep schedule


A handful of seed combo or black raisins
Jaggery is sometimes added to the roasted beans to give it sweetness.
Unsweetened tea/green tea
I feel healthier, more energetic and more connected to my body and mind. This journey has not only improved my physical health, it has strengthened my resilience and determination.

A message of hope

If you’re reading this and are at the beginning of your weight loss journey, know that it is possible — it just takes patience, grit, and a lot of self-love. Supportive peoplecelebrate progress, nutritionAnd don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. My journey is a testament to the fact that with the right mindset and support, you can overcome any obstacle to live a healthier, happier life!

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