Home Fitness Weight Loss Story: IT engineer went from 89 kg to 72 kg by following this diet and workout routine

Weight Loss Story: IT engineer went from 89 kg to 72 kg by following this diet and workout routine

by Universalwellnesssystems
Weight loss journeys redefine the everlasting spirit of transformation and all that it takes to achieve it. Krishnaprasad KJ, a 33-year-old IT engineer from Cochin, Kerala, did the same and achieved amazing results through regular workouts and a disciplined diet plan. Being committed to a demanding job, embarking on a weight loss journey seemed daunting. But driven by determination and a desire for a healthier lifestyle, he decided to take control of his health. Read on for his weight loss story and all that it took for him to achieve it.

Starting point

When he weighed 89 kg, Krishnaprasad realized it was time for a change. Long hours at a sedentary job and irregular eating habits were taking a toll on his health, and he knew he needed a sustainable plan that would fit into his busy schedule.

set a goal

Setting realistic goals was crucial: he aimed to lose weight gradually, at 1-1.5 kg per week. This approach enabled him to make steady progress whilst maintaining his energy levels at work.

Create a plan

Balancing work and training required careful planning. Krishnaprasad incorporated regular exercise into his daily routine, combining aerobic and strength training. Small changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator and stretching during breaks helped him increase his activity levels.

Overcoming challenges

Although surviving office parties and client dinners was a challenge, Krishnaprasad learned to make healthier choices without sacrificing socializing. Planning ahead and carrying nutritious snacks helped her stay on track even during busy days.

Adjusting your diet

Krishnaprasad improved his diet by prioritizing whole foods and cutting back on processed snacks. Meal prep became his ally, allowing him to pack nutritious lunches for busy work days, and he used an app to track his calorie intake to stay accountable.

Stay motivated

Celebrating small victories and tracking progress kept him motivated, and support from friends and family played a key role in helping him stay focused when he had doubts.

Achieving success

After months of dedicated effort, Krishnaprasad reached his goal weight of 72 kg. The journey wasn’t just about losing weight – it changed his approach to health and fitness, making him stronger both physically and mentally.


His journey from 89 kg to 72 kg has taught him the importance of persistence and balance. As an IT engineer, incorporating healthy habits into his daily life was key to achieving sustainable weight loss. I hope Krishnaprasad’s story will inspire others in a similar profession to also prioritise their health in between work commitments.

If you have a weight loss story, please send it to us at [email protected]. These opinions are not generalized. Weight loss results vary from person to person, and the opinions shared in this article do not guarantee any specific results. This content is not a substitute for professional advice.

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