Home Nutrition Weight loss may mean a risk of death for older adults, study shows

Weight loss may mean a risk of death for older adults, study shows

by Universalwellnesssystems


People may enjoy their weight loss, but it’s not always healthy.

New research shows that weight loss in older adults is linked to premature death and life-limiting conditions.

On the other hand, weight gain was not associated with mortality. Research presented Monday at JAMA Network Open.

Clinical epidemiologist and senior researcher Monira Hussein, Ph.D., said medical professionals are known to be concerned about weight loss in healthy older adults, but researchers are concerned about weight change in healthy older adults. I don’t fully understand the impact. She studies Health and Preventive Medicine at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.

The study looked at approximately 17,000 Australian adults aged 70 and over and more than 2,000 adults aged 65 and over in the United States. According to the study, everyone who participated in the study was weighed at their annual health check from 2010 to 2014.

“Our study found that even a 5% weight loss increased the risk of death, especially in older men,” says Hussain.

Weight gain in healthy older adults, on the other hand, showed no association, she added.

According to Perri Halperin, clinical nutrition director at Mount Sinai Health System, this association was seen across starting weights. Halperin was not involved in the study.

The study was able to account for health issues at the start.People with conditions such as cardiovascular disease, dementia, physical disabilities, or chronic illnesses were excluded, Hussein said.

“We also excluded people who had recently been hospitalized, which is important because weight loss due to acute illness often continues after hospitalization,” Halperin said in an email.

However, the study could not distinguish whether participants lost weight intentionally or unintentionally.

“Changes in activity level and diet quality between the baseline and subsequent study visits were not questioned, so we have no information about how these factors influenced the results,” said Haperin. said Mr.

Weight loss may indicate potential problems and thus may be a risk factor for death.

Weight loss can be a warning sign for conditions such as cancer and dementia, and “often associated with decreased appetite due to inflammation and hormonal influences,” says Hussein.

Underlying chronic health conditions can also cause weight loss in older adults by affecting appetite, metabolism and eating habits, Halperin said. Mobility problems and medication side effects can also affect weight.

Changes in weight can also indicate lifestyle concerns, according to Halperin.

“Social isolation is a major driver of weight loss in older adults. Other concerns include financial constraints and pain and discomfort,” she added.

In studies like this, it’s important to remember that correlation is not causation, Halperin said. Weight loss was associated with mortality, which means that there is a correlation, but it does not mean that weight loss caused a person’s death.

“It’s also important to note that we can’t infer or recommend the opposite, which means that gaining weight doesn’t necessarily reduce your risk of death,” she said in an email. So, discuss any changes in weight with your doctor or other health care professional.”

The point is for older people to monitor weight changes, says Halperin.

“If you notice a decrease in the numbers on your scale (weight loss) or looser pants that were previously tight fitting (lower waist circumference), see your doctor for further screenings or tests. please.”

But the advice also applies to the medical community, she said. Doctors and health care providers should know that weight changes require further investigation.

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