Home Health Care Webinar: National quality and patient safety policies within the framework of the Primary Health Care Strategy – PAHO/WHO

Webinar: National quality and patient safety policies within the framework of the Primary Health Care Strategy – PAHO/WHO

by Universalwellnesssystems

The conference is part of a series of seminars on primary health care from a regional perspective and will discuss “National quality and patient safety policies in the framework of primary health care strategies: experiences and challenges from the Americas region” To do.

Date and time:

Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. EDT


The event aims to highlight the incorporation of PHC strategies and alignment with other health policies and programs, and create a space for regional reflection and discussion on challenges in the design and implementation of quality and patient safety policies. . And we hope to open a discussion on the challenges of monitoring and evaluating the impact of plans and strategies that incorporate a regional perspective to identify gaps, needs, and opportunities for improvement.

It is also proposed that the conference provide a forum for sharing experiences and challenges in the development and implementation of national policies, strategies and plans for quality and patient safety in the region.

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