Home Mental Health Ways by which anxiety shows up in the body | Health

Ways by which anxiety shows up in the body | Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

Persistent worries and fears about everyday situations cause anxiety. It can manifest as an elevated heart rate, rapid breathing, and sweating. Anxiety affects us physically. The body is susceptible to anxiety problems. Addressing this, therapist Anna Papaioannou says, “Almost every system in the body, from head to toe, can be affected by anxiety.⁠ ) is due to activation of the response, which returns the body to a viable state and prepares the body to defend against perceived danger.” Anna goes on to discuss some of the ways anxiety manifests itself physically. also said.

How anxiety manifests itself in the body (Unsplash)

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digestive problems: Anxiety can lead to major changes in diet and lifestyle. This affects the digestive system. Also, sympathetic activation stops digestion, causing constipation, diarrhea, and other stomach-related problems.

sleep and concentration problems: Increased stress hormones affect sleep and lead to increased activation, creating a vicious cycle.

head and face tension: Increased stress hormones and changes in posture cause jaw clenching, head position and teeth grinding.

heart rate change: Increased heart rate helps pump more blood to large muscle groups. This further helps prepare the body to flee from combat or threatening situations.

muscle tension and pain: People with anxiety have muscles that are held for a long time. They are always ready for action. This causes muscle tension, weakness, and pain.

“Even if you don’t feel cognitively anxious, you may still experience the physical symptoms of anxiety. Deep breathing and prolonged muscle relaxation can attack the body and combat anxiety problems that affect daily work. “Consciously challenging images and stimulating thoughts that can trigger anxiety,” added Anna, “is one way to prevent anxiety from affecting the body. department.

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