Home Nutrition Water Intoxication: How much hydration is too much?

Water Intoxication: How much hydration is too much?

by Universalwellnesssystems

BALTIMORE – Hydration can be a challenge for athletes in intense training as autumn sports practices intensify in the heat of August.

A Baltimore doctor told WJZ that he could be over-hydrating.

“When it’s hot outside, you think you have to stay hydrated, hydrated, hydrated, and you’re right,” says Dr. Rachel Murrue, an emergency medicine physician at the University of Maryland Baltimore-Washington Medical Center. “You need to stay hydrated, but sometimes you’re over-hydrated.”

Hyponatremia, or water intoxication, involves ingesting more water than the kidneys can filter, resulting in sodium deficiency.

Early symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, fatigue and headaches, which can be life-threatening if left unchecked, Murrue said.

“These can progress to more serious symptoms such as seizures, coma, and ultimately death,” Dr. Murrue said. “The more serious signs and symptoms are caused by swelling in the brain.”

Athletes are most at risk due to the summer heat.

Dr. Murrue recommends moderate hydration.

“It’s important to drink water, but no more than one or two bottles an hour, and then alternate with electrolyte drinks,” Dr. Murrue said.

Water poisoning can quickly go from severe to disastrous.

If you have symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

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