Home Nutrition Watching sports in person linked to satisfaction, less loneliness

Watching sports in person linked to satisfaction, less loneliness

by Universalwellnesssystems


Feeling frustrated and lonely? You might want to get tickets to your favorite team’s game. A new study shows that watching live sporting events increases life satisfaction and reduces feelings of loneliness. Researchers also say live sporting events could be used to improve public health.

of studyPublished in Frontiers in Public Health, data from the survey 7,209 people aged 16 to 85 in the UK. The survey asked participants about their lives and well-being and whether they had participated in sporting events.

Analysis showed that attending a live sporting event was associated with higher self-reported life satisfaction scores and lower loneliness scores. Participants who attended a live sports he event within the past year were more likely to report that their lives were worth it. Adding live gaming to the mix predicted higher self-reported life satisfaction than demographic factors such as age and employment. It shows how much a person values ​​their life.

Researchers observed a similar effect for loneliness, but not for self-reported anxiety or happiness.

The researchers carefully noted that the data does not mean that live sports actually deliver these benefits. . In particular, decreased loneliness and increased life satisfaction are associated with improved overall health.

Helen Keys, Dean of the Department of Psychology and Sport Sciences at Anglia Ruskin University and lead author of the study, said: news release.

Researchers speculate that the social interactions inherent in sporting events help people feel like they belong, reducing feelings of loneliness. However, more research is needed to determine whether sporting events, rather than other factors, are responsible for higher life satisfaction scores.

This is the latest salvo in an ongoing attempt to determine how attendance at a live sporting event affects spectators. there is. seek Watching sports can lead to health problems related to increased heart rate and increased blood pressure caused by the excitement of gaming.

Nevertheless, most “people who choose to watch sports enjoy it and do not experience any health problems during or after”. write Robert H. Shmerling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor at Harvard Health Publishing.

And given the potential benefits of rooting for your favorite team in person, a day at the game might just be what the doctor ordered.

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