Home Fitness Watch: Shilpa Shetty Kundra’s ‘recipe for washboard abs’ | Fitness News

Watch: Shilpa Shetty Kundra’s ‘recipe for washboard abs’ | Fitness News

by Universalwellnesssystems

Shilpa Shetty Kundra It's the epitome of fitness. The actor, who continues to share his workouts to motivate others, recently shared some of his gym sessions with fitness trainer Yashmeen Chauhan and explained how he developed his washboard. did. abs, A term used to describe a well-defined and visibly muscular abdomen.

According to Shilpa, the recipe for washboard abs is “plank, plank, and more plank.” “This training mainly works the whole body. core muscles.inspire all of you muscle Do three sets of these three exercises for 15 to 20 repetitions,” she said.

1) Extended arm plank: hip extension
2) Side elbow plank: hip dips
3) Elbow plank: hip abduction and adduction

She explained that it strengthens the muscles in your core, arms, legs, shoulders, and back and increases muscular endurance.

“You can do this at home using just a mat on days when you don't have time but want to move your body a little.” 20 min” Shilpa said, adding that beginners should refrain from practicing.

Celebration benefits
board Here's why planks are good for you (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

The plank is considered a beneficial exercise for developing and strengthening core muscles such as the rectus abdominis, obliques, and transversus abdominis. “Planks may not be the only 'recipe' for washboard abs, but they are an essential part of your overall strategy for achieving defined abs,” says fitness expert Garima Goyal. To tell.

Why do planks?

1. Involvement of multiple muscles – Planks work a variety of muscles at the same time, not just the surface of the rectus abdominis, deeper muscles, transversus abdominis, etc. This comprehensive approach helps create a more sculptural and balanced look.
2. Stabilization – A plank requires you to maintain a stable posture, which activates your core muscles to maintain your body orientation. This stabilization work build strength and abdominal muscle endurance.
3. Isometric contraction – Planks involve isometric contractions, where the muscles work against resistance without changing length. This sustained contraction helps tone and define your muscles over time.
4. Low impact – Planks are a low-impact exercise, so people of a wide range of fitness levels can participate. It can be incorporated into a balanced fitness routine without putting too much stress on your joints.

5. Versatility – Planks can be modified to target different areas. core. Goyal said variations such as side planks and plank twists work the obliques and contribute to a more comprehensive abdominal workout.

© IE Online Media Services Pvt Ltd

Date first published: December 12, 2023, 09:30 IST

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