Home Fitness Want toned legs? Follow these steps to strengthen and lose fat

Want toned legs? Follow these steps to strengthen and lose fat

by Universalwellnesssystems

Are you ready to gain toned legs? Try these strategies to help strengthen and tone your legs in no time.

Want toned legs? Those who are ready to gain toned legs need to know one thing. Rather than toning your legs, you should focus on building strength and lean muscle while shedding fat to make your legs look toned. For that, you need to strengthen your legs with a combination of cardio and strength training. With that said, let’s find out some exercises that will help you lose fat from your legs.

How to lose fat from legs?

Did you know that your lower body is also the fastest part of building lean muscle? .

How to lose leg fat? Image courtesy of Shutterstock

1. Don’t focus on spot reduction

Fitness trainers around the world say that ‘blemish reduction’ is a myth. It may not be possible to partially reduce leg fat, but you can build muscle to gain strength and tone. For that, you can do many exercises like lunges and squats that will help you lose fat from your legs.

Also read: Declining Spots During Weight Loss: Is It A Myth Or A Fact?

2. Combine cardio and strength training

As mentioned earlier, you should tone your legs with a combination of cardio and strength training. Just doing cardio like running will help you lose weight, but it won’t make your legs toned. Focusing solely on strength training slows down the process of getting rid of cellulite and can result in bulky leg muscles.

3. Lunges are effective

Lunges are one of the best exercises to reduce thigh fat. It targets the glutes, adductors, quadriceps and hamstrings. It also helps strengthen muscles and boost metabolism. Start with feet width apart. Bend your knees as you step forward and lower your hips until your knees are at a 90-degree angle. Lift your back foot and push forward so that your back foot lands in a forward lunge position as you step forward and push off with both feet.

Also read: Meet Lunges, The Easiest Exercise You Can Do For Strong, Toned Legs

4. Crouch!

Squats are great for strengthening the bones, tendons, and ligaments around your leg muscles. Start by standing straight with your feet hip-width apart. Sit down as if you were sitting in an invisible chair. Then straighten your back and lift. Now repeat the movement. Remember to work your abs when doing squats.

Squats help strengthen and tone your legs!Image credit: Shutterstock

5. Calf rise

If we’re talking about toning your legs, how can you forget about your calf muscles? One of the best exercises to strengthen your largest calf muscles is to do standing calf raises. Start by standing straight with your back straight. Then slowly raise your heels, pause, and lower your heels to the ground to return to starting position.

6. Try box jumps

Box jumping targets your glutes, hamstrings, abductors, and calves. Squat with your knees slightly bent and extend your arms out in front of you. Swing your arms forward and jump onto the box. Bend your knees slightly as you land gently on both feet. Step down then backup and continue.

Also read: Jump, squat, repeat!Lose weight and tone your legs with box squats

7. Mind what you eat

There is no specific diet to lose leg fat, but it is important to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Eating healthy fruits and vegetables and limiting calories can help strengthen and tone your legs. You can add fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein-rich foods, and healthy oils to your diet.

These are healthy ways to strengthen and tone your legs, but they’re not for everyone. It’s important to know what works best for your body and what you can do to maintain a healthy body.

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