Home Fitness Walking Workout: 150-seconds walking workout: A rapid way to burn calories |

Walking Workout: 150-seconds walking workout: A rapid way to burn calories |

by Universalwellnesssystems

Do you find it difficult to walk every day? Do you feel lacking? physical activity In your daily life? If yes, there may be a solution.
Recently, yoga trainer and naturopathy expert Dr. Janani Subhraj shared a 150-second video on Instagram. walking training. she claims she can do this burn calories Easy.
So what is this hack? Dr. Subraj shared a video demonstrating an exercise that starts with a march and progresses to jumping jacks, high knees, butt kicks, and contralateral toe touches. According to Dr. Subraj, these exercises should be done 10 times, adding up to about 4000. Up to 5000 steps.

One user wrote: “Thank you…it will help moms like me who need to stay at home. Please give it a try.”

Exercise movements make walking more effective

Walking is definitely a great workout. To get the most out of this, you can combine walking with exercise.
To make walking more effective as a fitness routine, you can intensify your workout by incorporating specific movement movements to target different muscle groups. One simple but impactful addition is the interval walking. Alternate between brisk walking and a slower recovery pace. This improves cardiovascular endurance and burns more calories. Adding lunges while walking will strengthen your legs and improve your balance. Every few minutes, do deep lunges with both legs to work your glutes and thighs.
Another movement is walking with your knees high, which activates your core, hip flexors, and lower body muscles. Raising your knees higher increases their strength and makes walking more difficult. Similarly, incorporating arm movements, such as reaching overhead or carrying light weights, can tone your upper body while improving your posture.
Walking uphill or on a slope also works your calves, hamstrings, and glutes, increasing the overall difficulty of your workout. For even more core activation, try incorporating lateral shuffles or side steps to target different muscle groups and improve agility.
Incorporating these movement movements into your walk will not only increase your calorie burn, but will also work different muscle groups, turning a simple walk into a full-body workout.

Health organizations recommend 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week.

Obesity is mainly caused by lack of exercise and other physical activities and currently affects more than half of the planet. Considering the impact of reduced physical activity in the future, health organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US CDC have recommended guidelines to follow. According to this, adults should do at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week. “A recent study (1) found that nearly a third (31%) of the world’s adult population, or 1.8 billion adults, are physically inactive, meaning they spend at least 150 minutes This represents an increase of 5 percentage points between 2010 and 2022. If current trends continue, the proportion of adults not meeting recommended levels of physical activity is projected to rise to 35% by 2030,” the WHO said. Recent reports.

Women are less physically active than men

Women are 5 percent less active than men, and this has not improved since 2000, the WHO said in its report. It also highlights that over 80% of young girls are physically inactive.
A combination of factors plays an important role in women’s physical activity. For one, traditional gender roles often prioritize women’s domestic responsibilities and limit women’s time for exercise. Safety has become a bigger concern for women, and most women do not train outdoors due to lack of safety. Hormonal factors, pregnancy, and caregiving responsibilities also influence women’s physical activity levels.

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