Home Fitness Walking or running outdoors? 11 tips to stay safe in the heat

Walking or running outdoors? 11 tips to stay safe in the heat

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Summer has only just begun, but high temperatures are already making outdoor exercise a challenge.

Walking or running outdoors in the heat can be not only uncomfortable, but dangerous. Know the signs of heat strokeHere are some easy ways to make the hot and humid outdoors more comfortable. walk Or, take it easy and let your body recover faster afterwards.

TODAY Fitness Contributor Stephanie Mansour and TODAY Nutrition Editor and Sports Dietitian Natalie Rizzo share their tips for staying safe and cool while working out outdoors this summer.

Before you start exercising, there are a few things you can do to help beat the heat.

  • Consider your schedule. “Pay attention to the sunniest, hottest times of the day,” Mansour said. Exercise early in the morning Or late in the evening, when the sun is starting to set.”

  • Please hydrate beforehand.Hydration should start before you start exercising. If you are exercising in the heat, Dehydration“Drink enough water before exercise so that your urine is pale yellow. Fruits and vegetables that are high in water To stay hydrated and fueled.”

  • Fuel yourself with the right pre-workout snack: “When you exercise in the heat, it takes you longer to become fatigued, you feel sluggish and you want to stop sooner. Pre-workout snack “Eating a simple carbohydrate-rich snack, such as fruit or toast, 30 to 60 minutes before exercise can help boost your energy levels. Because it’s hot and you’ll be sweating a lot, it’s also good to eat something that contains electrolytes and will rehydrate you, such as a snack of fruit or toast. orange or watermelonSalty foods like pretzels also give you energy. Maintaining sodium balance during hot, sweaty exercise

  • Choose your clothing carefully.You’ll feel warmer when you’re exercising than when you’re at rest, so dress lighter than you would think. indoor “Avoid training outdoors, and even if you do train indoors, the humidity can be high,” says Mansour, who also recommends wearing loose-fitting clothing to allow air to flow around your body and evaporate sweat. Choose breathable fabrics It’s light in color and reflects heat rather than absorbing it.

When exercising outdoors on hot days, keep the following in mind: Stay Hydrated And listening to your body and knowing when to slow down and take a break.

  • Hydration: “Drink fluids before, during, and after exercise in the heat,” says Rizzo. Mansoor suggests aiming for eight ounces of cool water for every 15 minutes of exercise. Invest in a water bottle “It’s useful to keep your water cold and know where you can buy drinks along the way,” she adds.

  • Consider electrolytes: “When you sweat, you lose fluids and electrolytes like sodium and potassium. Replenishing these electrolytes in addition to fluids will help you stay hydrated, especially when it’s hot and you’re sweating a lot,” says Rizzo. “Put an electrolyte tablet in your water bottle and sip it frequently during exercise.”

  • Listen to your body.Pay attention to what your body is telling you. This isn’t about feeling hot, Sweating more than usual “Of course! But muscle cramps, nausea, dizziness, or feeling lightheaded are clear signs that you need to rest or take a break,” says Mansoor. “You don’t have to stop, but take a break, hydrate, find a cool, shady spot, and listen to your body. If you’re too tired to continue, that’s OK. But if you need a break and you’re ready to keep going, just keep going.”

Once your workout is complete, there are a few things you can do to cool down your body.

  • stretch: Stretch “While it’s still warm,” says Mansour, who suggests lowering your body temperature by applying a cool towel or bandana to the back of your neck or ice to your wrists while you stretch.

  • Breathing: Mansoor recommends doing both of these things: Breathing exercises As you stretch, do Cool Breath and Lion’s Breath. To do Cool Breath, curl the sides of your tongue and breathe in and out through your mouth. To do Lion’s Breath, pucker your face tightly as you breathe in, then open your mouth and stick your tongue out as you breathe out.

  • Stay hydrated: “By the time you finish exercising, you’re very likely to be dehydrated. Hydration tips “As soon as possible,” Rizzo said.

  • Enjoy a post-workout snack: “In addition to staying hydrated, eat fruits and vegetables that are high in water content to increase your fluid and electrolyte intake,” says Rizzo. Mansoor lists some of her favorite post-workout snacks as cold ones. Greek yogurt Fruit, homemade coconut water, fruit popsicles (rich in electrolytes), cold protein smoothies, cold grilled chicken salad, Hydration Food Such as diced watermelon or sliced ​​cucumber.

This article was originally published on TODAY.com

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