Home Products Walking briskly reduces risk for cancer, heart disease, early death, study says

Walking briskly reduces risk for cancer, heart disease, early death, study says

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Wear walking shoes and don’t forget your pedometer. Walking up to 10,000 steps a day can reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease and early death, but new research shows that no matter how much you walk, it helps.

The study found that health benefits increased with each step, but peaked at 10,000 steps and faded after that. Counting steps is especially important for active people.

“In particular, we detected an association between the number of incidental steps (the number of steps you take to get by in your daily life) and a lower risk of both cancer and heart disease,” study co-authors said. said Borja del Pozo Cruz, adjunct associate professor at the University of Southern Denmark. Senior Researcher in Health Sciences, University of Cadiz, Odense, Spain, Denmark.

Dr. Andrew Freeman, director of cardiovascular prevention and wellness at National Jewish Health in Denver, said: , Colorado. he was not involved in his research.

“Physical activity is just great,” Freeman said. “And when you combine that with a more plant-based diet, de-stressing, getting enough sleep, and connecting with others, that’s your magic recipe… Fountain of Youth, isn’t it?”

Del Pozo Cruz and his team published a similar study found a reduction in walking by 10,000 steps per day 50% increased risk of dementia. A previous study found that taking just 3,800 steps a day reduced risk by 25%.

However, walking for 30 minutes at a brisk pace of 112 steps per minute was associated with the greatest risk, with a 62% reduction in the risk of dementia. 30 minutes of fast-paced walking doesn’t have to be done all at once, but can be done over the course of the day.

Del Pozo Cruz said in an email:

A new study published Monday in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine followed 78,500 people aged 40 to 79 in England, Scotland and Wales who wore a wrist step counter 24 hours a day for seven days.

After counting each person’s total daily steps, the researchers classified them into two categories. Less than 40 steps per minute and more than 40 steps per minute, like walking from room to room. , or so-called “intentional” walking.

A third category was created for those who took the most steps per minute within 30 minutes of the day (the 30 minutes did not have to be consecutive).

About seven years later, researchers compared the data to medical records and found that those who took the most steps per minute (in this case, about 80 steps per minute) had cancer, heart disease, and early-stage disease from all causes. found to show the lowest risk of death. .

Researchers found that the association between peak 30-minute steps and risk reduction depended on the disease studied.

“We observed a 62% reduction in dementia, which was almost 80% for CVD mortality and incidence, and much less (about 20%) for cancer,” Del Pozo Cruz said. said in an email.

“This could be related to specific pathways where physical activity is beneficial,” he said. It can produce better fitness, all of which are known preventative factors for cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other health problems.”

What’s the point? Don’t get hung up on the number of steps (unless you really want to), says Freeman.

“Are every step important? Absolutely. And a brisk walk every day has been shown to provide additional benefits such as lowering blood pressure and aerobic exercise training,” says Nutrition & Lifestyle at the American College of Cardiology. Freeman, who served as the founding chairman of the workgroup, said:

“But the truth is that the same goals always apply. No matter what your fitness level is, challenge yourself. Talk to your doctor first, of course. However, your goal is to reach 30 every day.” It’s about being out of breath for a minute.”

What is shortness of breath applied to exercise? Gasps and gasps, not so intense that you can hardly breathe. Instead, shortness of breath happens when you’re walking with someone and they talk to you.

“Regardless of your pace, you can spend 30 minutes out of breath and then keep trying to keep yourself a little unsatisfied with your current level and keep getting better and better,” Freeman said.

Being more physically active often activates other healthy habits, such as improved diet, and discourages unhealthy habits, such as smoking.

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