The Australian and Western Australian governments are working together to make it easier for people to access quality primary care from nurses across the state.
The Washington State Health System, in partnership with the Washington Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA), has launched a pilot program to enhance the delivery of comprehensive team-based primary care services to Washington communities. Secured $11.7 million in federal funding for joint development.
of Nurse and team-based primary care pilot (Nursing Practitioner Pilot) funds up to 20 nursing practitioners for 18 months to work in selected primary care services. They work autonomously and in collaboration with other health professionals to diagnose and treat a wide range of health conditions, at no cost to patients, while collecting data that will inform future primary care policies.
The Department and WAPHA will work together to promote sustainable and effective multidisciplinary primary care by increasing the number of nursing practitioners working in primary care settings such as general practice, Aboriginal community managed health services and other communities. We will support the development and implementation of the model. It is based on non-profit services that provide care to vulnerable and underserved populations.
EOI: Nursing Practitioner
An expression of interest (EOI) process was initiated to select nurses to participate in the pilot.visit Nurse and team-based primary care pilot pages