Home Health Care WA advocates take on sharply rising health care costs

WA advocates take on sharply rising health care costs

by Universalwellnesssystems
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Report from Washington State Office of the Commissioner of Insurance And that attorney general They reveal an analysis of what they call the “true cost of health care” in Washington. Based on the results, Economic Opportunity Institute teeth ask your state legislator More efforts must be made to address consolidation and cost escalation.

Medical expenses are on the rise nationwide. Sam Hatzenberer, senior policy director at the institute, said the AG's report shows Washington's costs are above the national average. What she described as “poor regulation” has led to further consolidation of health care providers and significantly higher prices for patients.

“We're seeing them dominate the market and be able to charge higher and higher prices,” she says. “Patients, workers, businesses, we are saying, 'Enough is enough.' The bottom line is that Washington state consumers are being priced out of the health care services we need.”

The institute is fair health pricing campaign Educate consumers and urge state legislatures to take action. The group seeks more affordable drug prices, regulates provider mergers, and fights anti-competitive contracting strategies.

Hatzenberer said all of these amendments would increase accountability for spending and help curb soaring health care costs. A report from the state insurance commissioner predicts that medical costs will be even higher.

“Annual out-of-pocket costs for insured individuals can reach up to about $19,000 per year,” she says. “The Commissioner of Insurance approved an average 9% increase for insurance plans in 2024. This is higher than the average 8% increase seen in this year’s plans.”

The institute also said 81% of Washington residents report being concerned about rising health care costs. Leading health care providers say the rising costs are driven by aggressive medical research and new treatments for the disease.Despite these claims, the U.S. lowest life expectancy rate among the developed countries of the world.

— Mark Moran, Washington Public News Service

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