Home Nutrition Vitamin B12 Deficiency: What Is Pernicious Anaemia, And Why Can It Be So Dangerous?

Vitamin B12 Deficiency: What Is Pernicious Anaemia, And Why Can It Be So Dangerous?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Estimation 6% of people The US and UK suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency. This condition is recognized by the World Health Organization as: global health issues It can affect millions of lives. B12 deficiency is typically characterized It is caused by symptoms such as extreme fatigue, lack of energy, muscle weakness, and even memory loss. Not only that, it can cause many serious health problems, including irreversible neurological damage, anxiety and depression, or disability. Affects coordination, balance, and speech.

Although some vitamin B12 deficiencies are caused by diet, the most common reasons for low vitamin B12 levels around the world are An autoimmune disease called pernicious anemia. This is chronic low vitamin B12, which can have serious health consequences if left untreated for a long time. However, the symptoms of this condition are usually similar to other common conditions, so it is often misdiagnosed as depression or anxiety. Not only does this condition cause physical pain, but the stigma of living with this chronic condition cause serious psychological damageas I showed in my research.

Vitamin B12 – Also known as: cobalamin – It is a water-soluble vitamin found in animal by-products such as meat, fish, and dairy products. Other sources include fortified cereals, bread, and plant-based milks. People who do not regularly consume animal products are at risk for B12 deficiency. To reduce this risk, vegans are recommended to consume at least 3 micrograms of B12 through fortified foods or daily. Take vitamin B12 supplements regularly.

However, most decreases in B12 levels are caused by pernicious anemia. In this condition, the immune system has difficulty processing vitamin B12 because it affects the function of important parietal cells in the stomach. These cells produce a protein called “intrinsic factor.” essential for vitamin absorption. People with pernicious anemia produce antibodies against intrinsic factor, which destroy the intrinsic factor that is produced. Therefore, without the intrinsic factor that binds to food, vitamin B12 cannot be extracted. Without B12, the body cannot produce enough healthy red blood cells.This condition may also be caused by weakened stomach lining. This can occur due to atrophic gastritis, a chronic inflammation of the stomach that eventually weakens the lining.

lifelong condition

An estimated 5 in 100,000 people in the UK have pernicious anemia.that affects people of all ages, symptoms can start at any time. However, the conditions are Common in people over 60 years oldOlder people are more likely to develop atrophic gastritis, which increases the risk of B12 deficiency. The number of people affected by this condition worldwide may be higher than estimated. However, it is difficult to reliably estimate the level of B12 deficiency because there is no agreed-upon definition of how low a B12 level must be to be classified as deficient.

New guidelines have been created to address the issue. Current diagnostic methods. They say a patient’s symptoms are the best indicator of deficiency. It also states that even if there are discrepancies between test results and patient-reported symptoms, patients should be treated with alternative B12 to prevent possible irreversible damage.

Vitamin B12 deficiency causes a wide range of debilitating neurological and physical symptoms.of most common symptoms Pernicious anemia is caused by fatigue, memory loss, and concentration problems. However, the subtle and non-specific nature of the early symptoms of this condition can make it difficult to properly diagnose people.One study that interviewed members of the Pernicious Anemia Association found that approximately Half of them were misdiagnosed. In another 20%, he waited more than two years for a proper diagnosis. For many people, symptoms are initially caused by a busy lifestyle or Diagnosed with anxiety or depression.

Low levels of vitamin B12 can cause nerve damage, as vitamin B12 is essential for the production of myelin, which protects nerve cells from damage. Symptoms of low vitamin B12 may initially feel like tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, and difficulty balancing. If pernicious anemia is left untreated, symptoms may worsen and nerve damage may become irreversible. The term “harmful” was historically used to describe symptoms that led to death.

If vitamin B12 deficiency is caused by improper diet, it is treated in the following ways: Prescription of B12 tablets or injections of hydroxocobalamin. Once the deficiency is resolved, levels can be managed by changing your diet or taking regular supplements.

However, treatment for patients with pernicious anemia is lifelong. In the UK, many people need frequent injections every 8 to 12 weeks to replenish their vitamins. Despite this, many people continue to experience debilitating symptoms or find that their symptoms return before their next scheduled injection because treatment is inadequate.

If a patient expresses concerns about inadequate treatment or requests more frequent injections, Our research found Many medical professionals reacted negatively and even questioned the legitimacy of the patient’s illness. These types of questions can increase psychological distress; Impact on quality of life.

Pernicious anemia patients also expected higher health-related stigma. Many people with chronic health conditions are concerned that their health condition will devalue them in society at large or cause them to be discriminated against. Stigma not only affects relationships with health care providers; Increased incidence of anxiety and depression.

The lack of appropriate guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pernicious anemia is problematic and requires urgent review. It is important that both the general public and medical professionals increase awareness of the symptoms caused by insufficient levels of vitamin B12 so that symptoms can be diagnosed before long-term damage occurs.

Heidi SiegeSenior Lecturer in Psychology, Cardiff Metropolitan University

This article is republished from conversation Under Creative Commons License.read Original work.

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