Home Nutrition Vitamin B12 deficiency: 6 common signs and symptoms to watch out for | Health

Vitamin B12 deficiency: 6 common signs and symptoms to watch out for | Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

Vitamin B12 deficiency is more common among older people than among young people worldwide, but vegans and vegetarians are at higher risk of developing it. This is why at least 47% of Indians suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency. is. Many of them avoid non-vegetarian foods or consume them less frequently. Vitamin B12, an important micronutrient, can have a significant impact on many bodily functions. Our bodies don’t produce it naturally, so we need to add sources of it to our diet. Vitamin B12 is found primarily in animal products such as dairy products, meat, and eggs. Vegetarians or vegans can take vitamin B12-enriched foods or supplements to meet their required vitamin B12 levels. This vitamin is stored in the liver for up to 5 years. If your diet doesn’t help you maintain your levels, you risk eventually becoming deficient. (See photo: Fatigue due to brain fog; His 5 Sneaky Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency)

“The body relies on vitamin B12 to maintain nerve cells and to make DNA, the body’s genetic material. Vitamin B12 deficiency is usually nothing to worry about, but it must be addressed at the right time.” It can be a nightmare, and by paying attention to these symptoms, you know you’re deficient in vitamin B12,” says Vikrant, consultant physician, intensivist, and infectious disease specialist at Zen Multispeciality Hospital Chembur. Dr. Shah said.

Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Dr. Shah also shares signs of vitamin B12 deficiency to look out for.

• Mood disorders: People who are deficient in vitamin B12 tend to experience mood swings.

• Memory issues: If you can’t remember where you kept your keys or wallet, see your doctor as low vitamin B12 levels may be the culprit.

• Balance issues: Are you falling all the time? Then it could be a vitamin B12 deficiency.

• Muscle weakness: This is also one of the signs of vitamin B12 deficiency and should not be ignored.

• depression: Are you avoiding activities you used to enjoy? Do you have low self-esteem and feel hopeless and helpless? I have.

• Fatigue and night sweats: If you see any of these signs, you may be deficient in vitamin B12.

“Take B12 supplements only as directed by your doctor, and eat foods such as fish, eggs, spinach, milk, and dairy products,” says Dr. Shah.

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