Home Products Virtually Every Medical Expert Is Lying To You About Obesity. Here’s The Proof.

Virtually Every Medical Expert Is Lying To You About Obesity. Here’s The Proof.

by Universalwellnesssystems

You may have seen Oprah return to primetime television this week.

She hosted a special called “Shame, Blame, and the Weight Loss Revolution” on Monday. In reality, it was more like an infomercial for drugs like Ozempic and Wigovy, which millions of Americans take to lose weight.

Previously, I Has entered Various side effects of these drugs. For example, Ozempic has the potential to: cause Thyroid tumor, cancer, projectile vomiting. Perhaps even more alarming is that we don’t really understand how these drugs work either. Ozempic basically tricks the pancreas into releasing more insulin. Additionally, Ozempic’s artificially created hormone “seems to actually bind to receptors on neurons in several parts of the brain.” according to Comments from a biologist quoted in The Atlantic last year. What do these hormones do when they bind to receptors in the brain? Apparently, they help people not just have the urge to eat, but to shop and do a variety of other compulsive behaviors. It also seems to reduce the urge to engage in. If that’s true, no scientist in the world knows why it’s happening or what other changes this drug is causing in the brain.

As if to prove that point, just this month, The Atlantic published a follow-up report. qualified“The science behind Ozempic was wrong.”

It all sounds like a panacea, a panacea that will magically solve all your problems. But if you’re the cynical type, or if you’ve only paid even a passing amount of attention to Big Pharma over the past few years, you may have some questions. These are the questions Oprah’s infomercial on Monday was intended to address. And to be fair, some of the side effects did occur. In her feature, she said one woman had to stop taking these weight loss drugs because of symptoms of nausea, for example.

Watch: The Matt Walsh Show

But by and large, this was a puff piece centered around lies. This is a lie that Oprah has repeated over and over again, and every medical expert on television in this country repeats it as well. It argues that obesity is a “disease” rather than a symptom of poor life choices. clock:

Oprah uses this idea that obesity is a “disease” to justify “treating” obesity with drugs instead of diet and exercise. This is an idea you shouldn’t question if you listen to medical experts. That’s what we heard from the doctors at CBS. “This is a chronic disease. Go to the CDC website! Everyone says the same thing! It’s the same as asthma and diabetes!” And then everyone around the desk nods.

However, obesity is completely different from asthma or diabetes. Obese people can heal themselves. That applies to literally every case of obesity. If you lock someone in a room and feed them 1,000 calories of fruit every day, you have a 100 percent chance of being cured. It can be cured simply by eating a healthy diet. The same cannot be said for everyone with asthma or diabetes (at least he has type 1 diabetes). And if obesity is a disease, we would need to explain why so few people in this country had this “disease” in the 1930s. And why no one has it in Ethiopia today.

There seems to be a very interesting correlation here. The “disease” of obesity only spreads where people eat a lot of food and don’t do much exercise.

They say correlation is not causation, but in this case I think the causal relationship is pretty clear. This is such an obvious and self-evident point that I wondered. When did medical professionals suddenly decide that obesity was a “disease” and why? What definition exactly were they using?

It turns out that the respected medical journal The Lancet has already answered this question. Back in 2013, the American Medical Association simply decided to arbitrarily classify obesity as a disease, despite acknowledging that obesity does not meet the scientific definition of a disease.

as lancet Note:

By definition, a disease must have characteristic symptoms and signs. [body fat] Although it is a characteristic sign, there are no symptoms specific to obesity. … The American Medical Association (AMA) applied a different approach to this challenge in 2013. Instead of trying to determine whether obesity fits a particular disease definition, the AMA used a utilitarian approach to determine whether there is a problem with recognizing obesity as a disease. Making a positive impact on individual patients, the healthcare system and wider society.

In other words, they realized that obesity does not meet the definition of a disease because there are no unique symptoms that only obese people suffer from. But they just decided to call it a disease anyway to raise awareness (or maybe sell more drugs). This is recognized by the world’s top medical journals. By the way, the AMA wasn’t the only one to take this approach.lancet Continue:

In the UK, the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) recognized obesity as a disease in 2019. The main argument of the RCP and those in favor of recognition is that unless obesity is defined as a disease, it will be difficult to fund effective treatment options. It is insufficient to halt its increasing prevalence and the associated health and socio-economic costs.

This is too absurd to be real. But it’s true. Major medical associations around the world lied and loudly admitted that obesity is a “disease” and everyone went along with it. Of course, we’re still seeing this with nonsense words like “Long COVID.” But in the case of obesity, they just came out and said they were lying to us. And no one questioned it.

Take this remarkable clip from 2013, for example. This is the year the AMA decided to invent the idea that obesity is a disease. Watch Charlie Rose ask medical experts about this. You can tell Mr. Rose is a little confused as to why he suddenly made this decision out of nowhere for the AMA. Rose asks, what is the suddenly changed “science” that explains why the AMA suddenly decided to classify obesity as a disease?

See how our in-house medical experts react.

It’s just a series of no answers and incorrect answers. “I’m sick because my body hurts!” the TV doctor shouts. However, illness is not like that. If you shoot yourself in the foot, your body will also hurt. That doesn’t mean shooting yourself in the foot is a disease.

If you drown in a river, your body will be injured. But when they pull your body out of the water, they’re not going to say, “Oh, I think he died of drowning sickness.” It makes no sense. So when Charlie Rose puts a little more gentle pressure on this guy, he just says, “The AMA overwhelmingly agrees with me.” So, shut up and accept the fact that obesity is a disease. Science dictates it. You can’t ask questions.

It’s not difficult to understand what’s going on here. The point is to medicalize the human condition and remove human agency by turning all vices into diseases. And in the process, Big Pharma makes a lot of money. It’s less clear why we should take Oprah seriously on this topic. Back in December, Oprah disclosed She herself is said to be taking non-specific weight loss drugs.Most recently, weeks before this prime-time infomercial aired, Oprah stepped aside This month, he resigned from his role on Weight Watchers’ board of directors, citing a potential conflict of interest.

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In fact, this conflict is so obvious and significant that anything she does will completely undermine the integrity of Oprah’s special.Last year, Weight Watchers purchased A telemedicine startup called Sequence connects customers with doctors ready to prescribe Ozempic. Weight Watchers realized that its model of preaching individual willpower and self-control was becoming outdated, and in a last-ditch effort to save the company, sale A $99 monthly subscription to connect customers with these weight loss drugs. Oprah served on the board of Weight Watchers during that time.

Given that background, I find it impressive that Oprah left the Weight Watchers board just before airing a special that would benefit both Weight Watchers and its new partners at Big Pharma. is difficult. This is just days before Hunter Biden took a very high-paying job as director of a Ukrainian oil company, days before he flew Joe Biden to Kiev on a private jet to fire the attorney general investigating the oil company. It would be similar to quitting suddenly. It doesn’t look very good under any circumstances.

But the possibility that Oprah is a corrupt saleswoman isn’t the real story here. Everyone already knew that. The fact that virtually every medical professional in this country has lied about obesity tells the story. It’s not a disease. This is not a chronic disease that can be cured with just a magic bullet. That whole idea is a scam, one that the AMA purposely started promoting over a decade before his. And everything we’ve heard from the medical community since then, including this transparently disgusting Oprah infomercial this week, is designed to perpetuate that deception. They want you to believe that you have no agency over your body or your life so they can sell you drugs for $1,000 a month. Don’t be fooled.

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