Home Products Vibrio vulnificus: 3 people have died after infection with rare flesh-eating bacteria in Connecticut and New York

Vibrio vulnificus: 3 people have died after infection with rare flesh-eating bacteria in Connecticut and New York

by Universalwellnesssystems


At least three people have died after being infected in Connecticut and New York. Rare flesh-eating bacteria It is found in warm brackish waters and raw shellfish, officials confirmed Wednesday.

In Connecticut, two people died from Vibrio vulnificus after swimming in two places in Long Island Sound, according to Christopher Boyle, director of communications for the state’s Department of Public Health.

The third person became infected after eating raw oysters purchased at an out-of-state facility in July, according to Public Health. All three are in their 60s to 80s, police said.

The bacterium was also detected in Governor Kathy Hochul, who died on Long Island. announced on wednesday. Authorities are continuing to investigate the deaths in Suffolk County to determine if the bacterium was encountered in New York waters or elsewhere, according to a news release.

Vibrio vulnificus belongs to the same family as the bacterium that causes cholera.

In mild cases, bacterial infection vibriosis It can cause skin sores, blisters, abscesses and ulcers. It usually includes chills, fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sometimes vomiting. In more severe cases, sepsis may develop. This is common in people with underlying medical conditions, especially liver disease, cancer, diabetes, HIV, or other conditions that suppress the immune system.

Anyone can get vibriosis, but people with cuts, abrasions, or other open wounds, recent piercings, or new tattoos should avoid exposing their skin to the virus. . warm seawater in a coastal environment Or cover the area with waterproof bandages, the news release states.

Doctors say it’s important to seek prompt treatment if you develop a skin infection that may have been exposed to the bacteria.

Vibrio vulnificus causes an estimated 80,000 illnesses and 100 deaths in the United States each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Officials in Connecticut and New York are advising people to take precautions before eating raw oysters or being exposed to salt or brackish water.

“People should consider the potential risks of consuming raw oysters and exposure to salt or brackish water and take appropriate precautions,” said Connecticut Surgeon General Dr. Manisha Jutani. News release on July 28. “Especially during the hottest months of summer, bacteria are more likely to overgrow and contaminate raw shellfish.”

The governor of New York made a similar statement on Wednesday.

“Unfortunately, although rare, Vibrio has invaded the area and can be very dangerous,” says Hochul. “With further research, it is important that all New Yorkers stay vigilant and take responsible precautions to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. protection, protecting people with compromised immune systems, and avoiding raw or undercooked shellfish, which can carry infectious diseases.” ”

Connecticut routinely monitors oyster harvesting areas statewide for summer Vibrio levels, and since 2014 the state has added requirements for oyster harvesting.

According to the state, oyster harvesters are required to shade oysters on board ships and in high-risk areas, and within three hours of harvesting harvested oysters are placed in ice to reduce the internal temperature to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. It is necessary to lower it below the degree. Department of Agriculture.

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