Home Nutrition UV protection to anti-ageing, here are skincare benefits of Licorice or Mulethi | Fashion Trends

UV protection to anti-ageing, here are skincare benefits of Licorice or Mulethi | Fashion Trends

by Universalwellnesssystems

byZarafshan ShirazNew Delhi

Licorice root extract or the Indian ingredient Muresi is a powerful skin lightening agent as it is known to inhibit the production of melanogenic enzymes. If you want glowing, rejuvenated skin, licorice is on the rise in the Indian beauty industry as an essential ingredient for skin care enthusiasts seeking natural solutions, so include it in your skin care formulas. Take advantage of the possibilities of

UV protection for anti-aging, licorice or mulleti skin care benefits include: (Pixabay)

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr. Rakuna Rastogi, Head of Research and Development for Skin Care 82°E said: Licorice is rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids and various polyphenols. These antioxidants help protect the skin from free radical damage caused by environmental stressors such as UV rays and pollution that contribute to premature aging and skin damage. The antioxidant properties of licorice help fight signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, licorice’s ability to reduce inflammation contributes to more youthful and glowing skin. “

Licorice, also known as mulesi, is revolutionizing skin care with its amazing benefits, according to Dr. Taruna Yadav, Senior Ayurvedic Physician at Forest Essentials. She revealed: “Rooted in Ayurvedic medicine, licorice is a natural powerhouse for a wide variety of skin ailments. It contains glabridin, an antioxidant compound that protects against free radicals, environmental toxins and UV damage, and prevents premature aging. Licorice’s ability to inhibit melanin production makes it an effective solution to blemishes and hyperpigmentation, promoting balanced skin Anti-inflammatory properties for sensitive and acne-prone skin It soothes and reduces redness and inflammation, while licorice helps maintain skin’s moisture balance, hydrates and increases elasticity for a supple appearance.”

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