Home Fitness Utah’s health and fitness industry ‘shaking’ up with new weight loss solution

Utah’s health and fitness industry ‘shaking’ up with new weight loss solution

by Universalwellnesssystems

Estimated duration: 7-8 minutes

With spring just around the corner, many of us want to lose a little weight to keep us looking and feeling our best for the upcoming season. Maintaining a healthy weight is an important part of good health. In fact, there are multiple studies showing significant benefits of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

But according to Joel Bickman, co-founder of an innovative new health weight loss company, and his scientist brother, “weight” is a very loaded term, often misunderstood and damaging to health.

fat mass and lean mass

There are many ways to identify and distinguish body parts, Bickman says, but one of the most common ways is to simply identify everything as “fat” or “skinny.” increase.

“Both fat and lean mass make up our total body mass,” Bickman said. It seems to be as unhealthy as it is to fall and get up easily.”

Bickman said this is where people get into trouble. The most common weight loss methods lead to both fat loss and lean mass loss.

Low-fat, low-calorie diet

Bickman shares that for decades, conventional diet wisdom has told people to “eat less and exercise.” based on the idea that If you are in a calorie deficit, you will lose weight.

“The danger is that when the body is starving, it will indiscriminately start breaking down all of your body fat and lean mass,” Bickman said. In some examples using I have!”

This form of dieting, which puts the body in a near-starvation state, can “disrupt” normal metabolic function, according to Bickman.

“There are popular reality shows where people lose a lot of weight very quickly when they exercise like crazy and practice strict calorie restriction,” Bickman said. There’s a reason, because these people have unfortunately messed up their metabolism, leading to a situation where even though the weight starts to come back on, their metabolic rate remains low. I gained even more weight than I did.I started with.”

low carb diet

In case hopelessness seems hopeless, Bikman shares that there is one way to maximize weight change that consistently beats the competition. He admits that it may seem too simplistic, but human clinical evidence supports it.

Utah's health and fitness industry 'rocks' with new weight loss solution
Photo: Natasha Breen/Shutterstock.com

“Rather than cutting calories, cutting carbs allows people to eat until they’re full, basically following the rule of ‘eat when you’re hungry, don’t eat when you’re not. “This may mean that low-carb eaters can actually eat more calories than low-fat eaters and yet still be able to lose body fat.”

Bikman points to one study in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism that randomly assigned subjects to two diets: a classic low-fat/low-calorie diet and a low-carb/no-calorie diet. is a high protein and healthy diet. fat. In a six-month study, the low-carb/eat-all-you-can-eat group more than doubled their fat mass! This improved, even greater fat loss is seen in more studies.

“People may be nervous about eating more protein and healthy fats and restricting carbs, but it’s important to note that low-fat diets tend to have more fat compared to low-carb diets.” “We have not yet found a single study that shows that it results in loss. There are dozens of studies demonstrating the superiority of low-carbohydrate diets,” Bickman said. It’s worth noting that low-carb diets not only excel at fat loss, but also appear to protect and possibly increase lean body mass.

Bringing real solutions out of the lab

Despite all the information Bickman and others share, people around the world are constantly asking what they should do for their health.

“Ideally, we all have the knowledge, the time, the discipline, and the budget to plan, buy, and prepare the perfect low-carb meal,” Bickman said. No. People get busy, stressed, and make unhealthy choices that derail their health goals.”

Bikman and his scientist brothers help people reach peak health faster, especially those who don’t always have the time, knowledge and discipline to eat healthy. In response, Bickman and his co-founding team of metabolic, nutritional and industry experts recently HLTH code complete meal.

Utah's health and fitness industry 'rocks' with new weight loss solutions

These carefully formulated meal shakes are designed to promote healthy weight management, gut health, brain health, and even hair, skin and nail health, according to Bickman.HLTH Code Complete Meals feature an optimized, science-backed blend of protein, collagen, healthy fats, apple cider vinegar, probiotics, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Contains no sugar or artificial ingredients.

“We are very lucky to have a leading metabolic scientist as our formulator,” Bickman said. It took effort, but we knew that if they didn’t taste good, no one would use them consistently.”

According to Bickman, these carefully formulated, low-carb meal shakes are designed to optimize wellness, including weight management, gut health, brain health, and even hair, skin, and nail health. HLTH Code Complete Meals feature an optimized, science-backed blend of protein, collagen, healthy fats, apple cider vinegar, probiotics, prebiotic fiber, vitamins and minerals, reduced sugar and No artificial ingredients are used.

“Based on scientific and competitive research, we believe HLTH Code Complete Meal is a true breakthrough in healthy eating and definitely a meal replacement shake,” said Bikman. “Our customers say it’s the best tasting and most filling shake they’ve ever had and that it helps keep their blood sugar levels low. This is absolutely essential.”

rave reviews from real customers

“I have been taking this for 5 months to break intermittent fasting and have lost 21 pounds at its best. I cannot recommend this highly enough!! Plus it has a great flavor !!What’s not to love??” said one reviewer.

Another reviewer said, “The results have been phenomenal! Thank you HLTH code. The shakes are delicious, but the health results are miraculous.”

Yet another satisfied customer said, “They’re delicious. Plus, they keep me full and full the whole afternoon. Using these as lunch every day at work has managed to get me past the weight loss plateau.” I was able to do.”

Utah's health and fitness industry 'rocks' with new weight loss solutions
Photo: HLTH code

Do HLTH codes make weight loss easier?

According to Bickman, best health starts with the right blend of nutrients. Increased energy, feeling more energized, a stronger immune system, a clearer mind, improved gut health, and improved appearance are some of the benefits of improving nutrition.

“The comprehensive benefits of the HLTH Code Complete Meal are especially helpful if you’re trying to lose weight,” says Bikman. “Weight loss is rarely easy. Without the right changes in both hormones and calorie balance, you need to tell your body that it’s time to start burning body fat instead of storing it.”

Based on the best available research on human metabolism and exercise, Bickman adds: HLTH code complete meal You can lose weight without counting all your calories.

your satisfaction is guaranteed

If you’re nervous about trying something new or changing your nutrition plan, don’t worry, Bikman stands behind HLTH Code Meal Replacement products and guarantees your satisfaction.

“I have nothing to lose (except extra pounds) and all to gain in terms of health and confidence,” Bickman said.

Indeed, if you were looking for improved health and healthy weight management, HLTH Code Meal Replacement may be your answer. For special discounts on your first order, visit: getHLTH.com Enter discount code KSL at checkout.

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