Home Fitness Usher reveals daily diet, exercise regimen to maintain fit physique

Usher reveals daily diet, exercise regimen to maintain fit physique

by Universalwellnesssystems

These are his confessions.

Usher revealed the daily diet and exercise plan he uses to maintain his healthy physique, which includes fasting on Wednesdays, cayenne pepper drinks and meditation.

“I usually wake up and drink celery juice. I have it mixed with lemon, ginger, water and cayenne pepper. I drink it hot,” he says. He told the Wall Street Journal In a new interview published Monday.

Usher revealed how he stays in such good shape. Getty Images
“Usually when I wake up, I have celery juice. I have it with lemon, ginger, water and cayenne pepper. I drink it hot,” he told The Wall Street Journal. Getty Images

“I try to get up early enough so that I have time to think. Some days I pick up a book and read to stimulate my mind. Other times I just sit quietly and meditate. One thing I do a lot is yoga. It really helps activate the organs and get the mind moving in the right direction.”

The 45-year-old “You Got It Bad” singer said that sometimes she likes to have “scrambled eggs with cheese” for breakfast, but most of the time she prefers “poached or fried eggs.”

However, Usher said he doesn’t like eating breakfast before “exercising or doing anything physical,” like “going for a walk, doing some stretching or yoga, or getting some sunlight to warm up my body’s natural temperature.”

The eight-time Grammy Award winner said he fasts in the middle of the week because “that’s what my grandmother did.”

The Grammy winner said he was fasting on Wednesday. Getty Images for Tiffany
When he’s not fasting, Asher likes to have “scrambled eggs with cheese” or “poached or fried eggs” for breakfast. Usher/TikTok

“I fast on Wednesdays, usually starting around 11pm the day before and drinking only water all day on Wednesday,” he told the outlet.

As for the content of Usher’s fitness regimen, the pop star usually starts with “walking and certain knee exercises.”

“I’ve had some minor knee surgery and a torn meniscus. Other than that, swimming and cycling are very good ways to stay active. I don’t do much weightlifting,” he explained.

In February, Usher headlined the 2024 Super Bowl in Las Vegas.

The “My Boo” singer likes swimming, weightlifting and cycling. Usher/TikTok
Usher said his 2024 Super Bowl performance was “one of the toughest 15 minutes of my life.” Getty Images

During his 15-minute setlist, he performed many of his hits, including “My Boo,” “OMG” and “Yeah!”

Though the “Confessions” singer looked effortless onstage, she told the WSJ that the halftime show was “one of the toughest 15 minutes of my life” and that she had to train every day to perform the show the way she wanted.

“I didn’t have much time to do much else,” he says. “I treated my body the night before and woke up the next day on a very regular, low-carb diet.”

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