Home Fitness Usher explained why he doesn’t eat on Wednesdays and how he fuels for the rest of the week

Usher explained why he doesn’t eat on Wednesdays and how he fuels for the rest of the week

by Universalwellnesssystems

Finally, we know how Usher maintains those famous abs.

The 45-year-old spoke about his health regimen in an interview. The Wall Street Journal.

In an interview with the publication, the “Yeah!” singer detailed how his typical routine starts with celery juice instead of coffee, and how he prioritizes mental and physical activity. One notable aspect of Usher’s habits is fasting once a week, which he inherited from his grandmother.

Read on to find out everything the singer had to say about his health habits.

Morning yoga is a must

Asher starts each day with intention, waking up early and beginning in a reflective, relaxed mindset.

“I try to get up early so I have time to think. Some days I’ll pick up a book and read to stimulate my brain,” he said.

“I’ll sit quietly To meditationOne of the things that is often done is yogaIt really helps activate my organs and get my mind moving in the right direction. As Tony Robbins says, “Make me take action.” You get it?

HI don’t drink coffee

“It all depends on how you spent the night before. coffee “A martini is appropriate,” he said. “No, I usually drink it when I get up.” Celery juiceI make mine with lemon, ginger, water and cayenne pepper and drink it hot.”

He often eats breakfast

The singer often opts for eggs for breakfast, but usually eats them while sitting down after a workout.

“Sometimes I’ll have scrambled eggs with cheese,” he says, “but I usually like poached or fried eggs. But I don’t like to eat breakfast before I do anything physical, like exercise, a walk, stretching or yoga, or getting out in the sun to raise my body’s natural heat levels, and then I eat.”

He fasts one day a week

singer fasting Every week. Start the night before and make sure to stay hydrated throughout the fasting day.

“I don’t fast for religious reasons, it’s something my grandmother did,” he explained. “I fast on Wednesdays, usually starting around 11pm the night before, and then I just drink water all day on Wednesday.”

He doesn’t do much weightlifting.

Usher explained that due to previous injuries, his training tends to focus on strengthening his knees.

“Usually my training starts with walking or a specific knee movement, then reverses it. walk “I do this to really work my quads, knees and glutes,” he said.

“I’ve had some minor knee surgery and a torn meniscus. Other than that, swimming is great for exercise and I also like cycling. I don’t do much weightlifting.”

This article was originally published on TODAY.com

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