Home Fitness Use These Tactics to Get the Best Deal on a Gym Membership in January

Use These Tactics to Get the Best Deal on a Gym Membership in January

by Universalwellnesssystems

photograph: Jacob Lund (shutter stock)

If you’re not looking to get something new January gym membership with the same mindset you use for car dealer Bargain, you probably haven’t gotten enough handle. Black Friday in January gym membershiphipyou should strategize accordingly and go inside make a plan: You need to know what you want before you go looking If you want to be the winner

Unfortunately, there are many tricks and strategies that Jim practices. Agreement that, If you’re not careful, they may come back and bite you from behind. Here’s what you should know:

to shop

Exactly like the dealer, you have to visit a few places gym in your area. You can also “test drive” a gym, as many gyms offer free trials. 7 days so you know what it feels like to commit to the gym longersemester. Is the commute from work and home sustainable? Do people return to the stands and put on weight? Are the bathrooms clean?understand what is is important to you and look for itYou probably won’t find a gym that meets all your criteria, but you can get close.

expect a deal

As mentioned earlier, January is a hot month. for the gym—they everything will race against each other to get your businessYou are hot commodities, so Don’t sell yourself short. If your gym doesn’t offer discounted rates or waive registration fees, take your squats to the next gym.If you’re signing an annual contract, look for specials that last for the entire duration of your membership (but I’ll explain why I don’t recommend them). Some gyms offer bonus perks, such as free use of saunas and massage machines for a limited time. The point is negotiation.don’t be afraid to ask what is not Advertised.Jim is flexible and can give Special offer.you may also be bcall your friends A negotiating table for playing good cops and bad cops.

Don’t fall for cheap tricks

Some gyms try to get cute and offer “free food” to impress potential members. You might even walk into a pizza party when you try to go negotiate; just remember that nothing in life is free. When a gym offers “free food, all those expenses are being passed on to the members, so you’ll be paying for them once you sign up. Just like you’d say at work: Save the party and put that money on a raise—in this case, a better deal—instead.

Consider month-to-month contracts

Unless you’re a seasoned pro at going to the gym (in which case you probably wouldn’t be reading this article), a month-to-month membership is often a better deal—especially if it’s your first time. Many people hope the financial commitment of signing a yearlong membership deal will motivate them to go for a whole year. Unfortunately, that’s not how most humans work. If you’re having a hard time going to the gym, find other methods of motivation that don’t end up hurting you financially. Inviting a friend to be your gym buddy is not only great for accountability, but for motivation as well (and a two-for-one package might give you more leeway in the negotiation table). Not to mention, a year is a long time full of unpredictable surprises. Remember back when we went into I thought 2020 was going to be a better year? yes.

signed at the end of January

All of you procrastinators who want to hit the gym and change their ways have an advantage this year.When is the best time to sign for a membership actually of end of the month when Jim is trying to fill his monthly quota and is more flexible with his deals.this puts you If you get the upper hand at the negotiating table, Jim is more likely to give in to your demands. shorter contract terms, Low monthly fee, Or whatever would be a better deal for you.

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