Home Fitness Up to 3 hours a week of paid exercise time for GovGuam employees is back | News

Up to 3 hours a week of paid exercise time for GovGuam employees is back | News

by Universalwellnesssystems

A program that pays Guam government employees to exercise for up to three hours a week has been restarted after being forced to close due to the coronavirus pandemic.

It restarted on March 19th and featured a variety of sports and wellness activities held at the University of Guam Calbo Field House.

Created by Executive Order in 2012, the Worksite Wellness Program aims to build a resilient and stronger Government of Guam workforce that lives longer, healthier lives. .

According to Al Silverio, program coordinator for the Guam Minority Health Authority, “As far as we know, there are no efforts in the private sector, nationally or even within the federal government to give people the opportunity to do this.” No other organization has that.” Department of Public Health and Social Services. “Participating in physical fitness and wellness activities that promote health, especially when it comes to reducing cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity…the alarming rates of these diseases in Guam and the workforce. We recognize that.”

Silverio was in the program before it was shut down due to the pandemic.

At the time, approximately 10% of Guam’s government employees, or approximately 600 employees, were actively participating.

This time we are aiming for 20%.

“It’s ambitious and we understand it, but we’re pushing it forward because the incidence of diabetes, cancer, obesity and heart disease continues to rise.” Silverio said.

If the opportunity to live a longer, healthier life isn’t enough, Silverio said irrefutable data is the program’s best marketing tool.

As an example, about 85% of people infected with COVID-19 also had one or more non-communicable diseases, he said.

About 80% of people who died from COVID-19 also had non-communicable diseases.

Only one person has died from COVID-19 on Guam, said Silverio, a young, healthy man with no pre-existing conditions.

How to use

Dozens of supervisors, known as health coaches, are assigned to monitor small groups of workers across many government Guam agencies and departments.

They are responsible for encouraging, motivating, and documenting employee participation. These will help public health agencies track numbers such as her BMI, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels.

Employees may exercise individually, but group exercise at work is encouraged.

Silverio said that in 2019, the Department of Public Works conducted training sessions in parking lots or forced employees to park their cars far from the office and walk home. He said he has discovered that he can use his exercise time in many creative ways. car after work.

Another group did chair yoga. Some have committed to using only the stairs.

The health coach will record the day’s participation and periodically send the data to public health authorities.

While it’s certainly possible for employees to use their time to go to the gym or check in on themselves, abuse of the program will not be tolerated.

Certain employees may not participate, including those who do not pass the initial medical exam or those who work in 100% federally funded jobs that do not qualify for this program.

Other employees performing essential work or if no one is available to cover your one-hour absence may be ineligible at your supervisor’s discretion.

Silverio said the program also offers a smoking cessation program because cigarettes and e-cigarettes are a major cause of poor health.

The Department of Public Health has been collecting incentives and prizes to reward employees through sponsorships and donations.

Silverio said the prizes aren’t the driving force behind the program, but the program works because people are attracted to the prizes.

Employees interested in participating should email [email protected].

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