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Unravelling the mystery of autobrewery syndrome

by Universalwellnesssystems

In a recent paper, Dinis-Oliveira outlined his own theory of what creates the optimal conditions for ABS to develop. he called it “A perfect metabolic stormAs seen in certain medical conditions, gastric pH is elevated, combined with food stagnation and reflux of food from the intestine to the stomach.

Carson, a 64-year-old ABS patient from the UK, recently discovered that she suffers from a genetic disease that affects the connective tissue of her body. Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS). These connective tissues are composed primarily of the protein collagen and tend to support the skin, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, and other tissues in some internal organs. , affect the digestive tract, can cause involuntary abnormal movements of the muscles that control digestion.This allows patient Bowel movement slows down, slowing the emptying of stomach contents into the small intestine.read more about Effects of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.)

Although the link between hEDS and ABS has yet to be studied, Carson believes this delayed gastric emptying may contribute to his own ABS. 1 in 5,000 to 20,000 people suffer from hEDSso more research is needed to determine if there is a link.

Cordell believes there may be other causes as well. “We’ve also learned a lot about dietary triggers in triggering the ‘flare’ of endogenous alcohol production, as well as external triggers such as solvents/chemicals, pollution, stress, and trauma,” she says.

Solvent is what Carson associated with his own ABS. One of his early experiences with ABS came shortly after resealing a wooden floor using a product containing volatile organic compounds. However, this relationship requires further research, as inhaling the solvent itself can cause intoxication.

A strict nutritionist-supervised diet combined with antifungal therapy and multivitamins has helped Carson control her ABS. “It’s still like walking a tightrope,” he adds. “I always say, ‘Am I okay?’ When I’m a little tired, he does a breath analysis.”

For Carson, the most upsetting part of his experience with ABS was its impact on his mental health. He uses as an analogy the “mind palace” mnemonic made famous by his television series Sherlock. In a TV show, Sherlock Holmes uses an analogy to describe how information can be recalled by storing it in an imaginary room in a large building.

“When I’m in that blackout state, I lose access to the mental chambers of these events,” Carson says. increase.”

Carson says he knows these episodes happened from his family, but his own memories of them are frustratingly out of reach. I have to accept that those rooms are locked and I can never get there,” he says. “It’s not that the memories aren’t there. They’re just inaccessible in a conscious state.”

But as Mr. Carson learns more about his condition and its causes, he and his wife hope to see fewer locked rooms in the future.

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