Home Nutrition Unhealthy Food Combination: 4 Foods You Should Avoid Pairing With Banana

Unhealthy Food Combination: 4 Foods You Should Avoid Pairing With Banana

by Universalwellnesssystems

Bananas are probably the most popular fruit around the world. It is available all year round, making it a versatile ingredient in the world of gastronomy. It can be eaten raw as a fruit or vegetable, and its mushy texture can be used to bind foods together. That’s not all. It is also rich in various essential nutrients. Bananas are rich in fiber, protein, healthy fats, and several essential minerals and vitamins needed for overall nutrition. Unfortunately, this work also comes with a lot of controversy. Some theories link it to colds and coughs, while others claim it’s not good for people with diabetes. But that doesn’t mean you should give up bananas completely. Instead, we recommend using it consciously to maximize its benefits.

In this article, we will introduce some of the foods that should be avoided in combination with bananas. In fact, consuming certain foods with bananas can affect your overall health and well-being. Read below for more information.
Also read: Say goodbye to brown bananas: 6 expert tips to keep bananas fresh and delicious

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Here are four foods you should avoid pairing with bananas:

1. Banana and milk:

According to Ayurveda, bananas are acidic and milk is sweet. This creates confusion in the body and can lead to further digestive problems. Dr. Surya Bhagwati, an Ayurvedic expert at Dr. Vaidya’s, says, “This is a bad combination and is known as Viruddha Ahar. Eating these two foods together can lead to imbalances and the root cause of disease. The toxic substance “Arma” is produced. It weakens the digestive fire in the body and destroys the intestinal flora. ” Additionally, it can cause congestion, colds, coughs, and other related health effects.

2. Banana with lean meat:

Bananas contain purines, which are good for digestion. On the other hand, red meat is rich in protein, which slows down the digestive process. According to health experts, eating these two foods in succession with contrasting properties can lead to fermentation and gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract.

3. Bananas and baked goods:

In recent years, more and more people are making and eating banana bread at home. That’s not all. Combining banana and bread for breakfast has been around for a long time. But did you know that it can be unhealthy for you? Why ask? This is because bread and baked goods contain processed carbohydrates, which take longer to digest. Bananas, on the other hand, promote digestion as mentioned above. However, when these two foods, which have contrasting properties, are combined, there is an increased risk of digestive imbalance, which in turn leads to a variety of related health hazards.

4. Bananas and citrus fruits:

According to Ayurveda, consuming Virudhu Anna (foods of contrasting nature) can create an imbalance in Vata, Pitta and Kapha. For this reason, health experts recommend avoiding acidic and subacidic fruits such as lemons, pomegranates, and strawberries, along with bananas, which are sweet in nature. In fact, some studies have found that eating bananas and acidic fruits together can cause problems such as nausea and headaches.

Now that you know all about the foods you should avoid pairing with bananas, we recommend choosing your meals carefully to enjoy all the benefits to the fullest. However, it is best to consult a professional before planning a diet.

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