Home Nutrition Ultra-processed food is as addictive as smoking, says Dubai athlete and meal plan founder

Ultra-processed food is as addictive as smoking, says Dubai athlete and meal plan founder

by Universalwellnesssystems

Junk food may be as addictive as alcohol, tobacco and gambling, a study across 36 countries has found. British Medical JournalResearchers from the United States, Brazil and Spain have even suggested that some “ultra-processed” foods should be taxed or labelled to reflect this.

Ultra-processed foods refer to foods in which traditional ingredients have been replaced with cheaper, sometimes completely synthetic, alternatives.

An analysis of international data found that 14% of adults and 12% of children are addicted to such foods and eat dangerously too much of them.

“I was eating 7,000 calories a day and I was never full.”

Jeffrey Zohn, a former Muay Thai fighter, knows that feeling: While training in a remote village in Thailand, Zohn, 39, ate mostly gas station food and developed a dependency on ultra-processed foods.

The Dubai resident consumes 7,000 calories on a typical day from Gatorade, ice cream, sweets, canned coffee and processed carbohydrates due to a lack of options in his area.

Despite training up to six hours a day, Zohn’s digestive and immune systems were “destroyed” and he developed an autoimmune disease called exudative eczema, which is caused by poor diet and lifestyle habits.

Visible signs of addiction include frequent cravings and loss of control over consumption patterns.

Dr. Lina Shebib, Clinical Nutritionist, MedCare Hospital and Medical Center

“It’s a type of addiction that forms when your body craves nutrients,” Zorn says. “This combination of processed foods doesn’t exist in nature, which is why you’ll eat a bowl of popcorn and feel sick before you’re full.”

“In this evolutionary state, where our nutritional needs are not being met and we are always hungry, we can never feel satisfied.”

The turning point came when Zorn returned to Dubai and was diagnosed with a painful skin disease. He then decided to go through withdrawal in order to purge his body of all unnatural substances. “I used to smoke, and quitting ultra-processed foods was just as hard as quitting smoking,” says Zorn. “You have to eat to live, so food addiction is probably the hardest thing to overcome.”

“I was walking up and down the stairs 20 times a day just to get one bar of dark chocolate. It was really hard work.”

Inspired by his own eating habits, Zone founded Nourish Dubai in 2015, an all-natural meal subscription plan.

“The initial blood sugar crash is hard to get over, but eventually the physical dependency subsides and you become much more rational,” he says. “I encourage everyone to educate themselves about what they’re putting into their bodies.”

“Food is no longer food.”

Dr Lina Shebib, a clinical nutritionist in Dubai, says the typical Emirati diet could be causing long-term health problems. “The prevalence of ultra-processed foods in the Emirati diet varies, but a common trend is increased consumption,” said Dr Shebib, from Medcare Hospital and Medical Centre.

“Increasing intake has raised legitimate concerns about associated health risks and is contributing to the increasing rates of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease observed within the population.”

Although the initial blood sugar surge is difficult to overcome, the physical dependence eventually subsides.

Jeffrey Zohn, Founder, Nourish Dubai

Chris van Talleken, an infectious diseases specialist at London’s Tropical Hospital, said industrially engineered alternatives are designed and marketed to be addictive.

His number one The Sunday Times bestseller, Ultra-processed food peopleHe says: “Over the last 150 years, food has ceased to be food.”

“We began to eat substances and processes made from new molecules that we had never encountered before in our evolutionary history.”

These include obvious suspects like soft drinks, chocolate, potato chips and other junk foods, but also some lesser known foods like low-fat margarine, vitamin-fortified cereals, packaged soups and other foods that have long been known to be healthy.

Not only are these substances addictive, they have no nutritional value whatsoever, so no matter how many bags of chips you eat — and how many harmful additives you ingest in the process — you’ll never feel full.

Mental burden

As well as affecting the body, ultra-processed foods also have a significant effect on the brain, making addiction harder to overcome. “The effects of ultra-processed foods on the brain are pronounced, particularly in activating reward pathways that lead to addictive behaviours,” says Dr Shebib.

“These foods are often high in sugar, salt and fat, which can activate the reward centres in the brain, leading to persistent cravings and overeating.

“Visible signs of addiction can manifest in behaviors such as frequent cravings, loss of control over consumption patterns, and a consistent preference for these foods over more nutritious alternatives.”

Throw out the biscuits, throw out the cereal.

Healthcare expert and lawyer Joy Stevenson-Rose has dedicated her career to uncovering the dangers that lurk in commonly consumed packaged products.

The president and founder of US-based Proactive Health Labs set up the non-profit organisation to educate people about health and the dangers of food addiction.

“There are many different signs of addiction, such as wanting to quit but not being able to, or not being able to limit your intake,” she says.

Work with a competent health care provider to find ways to eliminate these foods from your diet.

Joy Stevenson-Rose, Founder, Proactive Health Labs

“They may also start hoarding or keeping secret stashes of food so they can eat whenever they want. When they suddenly stop or reduce their food intake, they often experience emotional and physical withdrawal symptoms.”

While some people prefer sudden abstinence, both Stevenson-Rose and Dr Shebib recommend a more measured approach to giving up ultra-processed foods.

“People who are or may be addicted to these foods should work with a competent health care provider to find ways to eliminate these foods from their diet and develop a nutritious eating plan,” Stevenson-Rhodes says.

“We also recommend healthier lifestyle changes such as getting enough sleep and exercise, drinking plenty of fluids, reducing stress and limiting alcohol intake.”

For Dr. Shebib, this process should be gradual and supported by societal change: “Take incremental steps to reduce your intake of ultra-processed foods, shift your focus to nutritious whole foods, hone your cooking skills to prepare fresh meals, seek support from medical professionals and support groups, and establish healthy habits such as regular exercise,” says Dr. Shebib.

“Breaking this cycle requires a comprehensive approach that combines social change and individual effort aimed at promoting healthier food environments.”

Last updated: May 28, 2024 7:20 AM

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