Home Health Care U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess talks about leaving the Texas delegation

U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess talks about leaving the Texas delegation

by Universalwellnesssystems

MPs who have left the party in recent years have cited gridlock and infighting as their reasons. Did that influence your decision?

Politicians are accusing each other of staying in office longer than necessary, pointing to President Biden’s age for example. Was setting your own terms for leaving office a factor for you?

Other longtime members of the Texas delegation have left or retired recently, including Republican Reps. Kay Granger and Kevin Brady. (Longtime Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, a Dallas Democrat, retired before her death last year, and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston passed away last month.) What advice would you give to the Texas delegation as it moves into a new chapter?

Would you say that the cohesion is still there, or is it different?

You became Chairman of the House Rules Committee in March, a very important position (the Committee is the legislative “traffic controller” and controls which bills get a vote on the full House floor). Can you tell us about the power of that gavel and what it means to have taken on that role in such a short time?

In your years as a member of Congress, what is your proudest accomplishment? What stands out in your memory?

The recent storms have had a personal impact on many Texans, which has led them to think more deeply about energy. What would you say to people worried about energy in Texas?

You wrote a book in 2011 about repealing Obamacare. That never happened. Do you still feel the same way? Is that a priority that people should pursue in the next term?

You’re an obstetrician-gynaecologist, and you’ve made it clear that you’re pro-life, but you say that ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages should be treated separately. [from abortion]What advice would you give to your party in addressing this issue?

What are you most looking forward to now that you’ve retired and moved back to Texas?

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