Home Mental Health Two Psychologists Say Your Climate Anxiety Isn’t Actually About Personal Risk : ScienceAlert

Two Psychologists Say Your Climate Anxiety Isn’t Actually About Personal Risk : ScienceAlert

by Universalwellnesssystems

Are you worried about climate change? You are not alone. And it’s precisely that connection, the two psychologists believe, that helps explain where climate anxiety comes from and help alleviate it.

writing nature climate changepsychology researchers Ann Van Valkengaard and Linda Stegg claim That the sickening anxiety many feel about how rapidly the Earth is heating up is a “healthy and empathetic” response to the immeasurable loss of millions of species. human life what we are told in the card.

Citing recent research and interviews, they continue: quarrel Climate anxiety does not emerge from people’s fear of how they will be affected. Other researchers suggestedBut out of concern about “the global and societal impacts of climate change and its effects on animals and vulnerable people.”

“Many people, at least in the Global North, experience climate anxiety primarily out of concern for others and the natural world,” say two people from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. write in their commentsin response to previous article It suggests that climate anxiety stems from personal risks to people’s livelihoods.

For people living in low-lying island nations, the direct impacts of rising sea levels, intensifying hurricanes and increasing storm surges may of course be the greatest and most pressing concern. The impact of climate change is already hitting hard and uproot the community.

Those of us watching from afar (for now) may be apprehensive about their future and theirs. young generationpeople facing increasing heat waves, droughts and crop failures.

Recognizing how this empathy provokes anxiety “has important implications for how people deal with climate anxiety,” says Van Valkengaard. said on twitter.

“Adapting” [personal] As long as threats to other people and nature persist, climate change risks are unlikely to be a useful strategy for addressing climate anxiety,” she said. add.

That said, the more research that can help medical professionals understand when and why people experience climate anxiety, the better they can provide appropriate strategies for coping with it. will be

initial Commentary Climate modelers Jeremy Fike and Andrew Weaver say individuals could benefit from finding ways to reduce their personal exposure to climate change rather than simply dealing with feelings of insecurity. suggesting.

“Starting to plan individual climate adaptation actions is a powerful tonic for sustainably reducing climate anxiety,” they say. write.

Being proactive can help people regain self-control, and participating in community-led initiatives fosters connections that can be the first beacons of salvation and hope. .

However, many may not have the financial means to relocate or upgrade their homes. And it takes time for the results of collective action to materialize.

Therefore, we still need strategies to deal with emotions such as grief that may occur. What many scientists share At the same time, we will collectively take steps to switch to renewable energy sources and phase out fossil fuels.

Because seeing governments and businesses actually cutting emissions to address the root causes of climate change itself goes a long way toward alleviating people’s fears about the course of the planet. because it almost goes without saying.

The point of this academic argument is that no one can throw themselves away from global climate change. Some will feel the heat more than others, though, and it’s the empathy for our planetary mates that moves us toward a better future for all.

both explanations Published of nature climate change.

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