Home Fitness Try This Shoulder and Biceps Workout to Build Muscle

Try This Shoulder and Biceps Workout to Build Muscle

by Universalwellnesssystems

When it comes to building the perfect workout routine to grow muscle, Too many option. After all, splitting body parts is great for building muscle. If only I could put together a routine that worked for me.

You might not think that shoulders and biceps are the same thing. After all, the two muscles don’t perform many related functions. However, especially in bodybuilding, combining unrelated muscles can help you gain new gains.

Credit: Nikolas_jkd / Shutterstock

how? Mixing biceps and shoulders eliminates interference. Setting your biceps on fire doesn’t reduce your press power. If you want to put maximum effort, energy and focus into muscle growth, try these three workouts. They scale by difficulty so you can dive right in.

best shoulder and biceps workout

Best Bodybuilding Shoulder and Biceps Workouts — Beginners

As First time gym goers and new bodybuilders general Combine synergistic muscle groups. This will help you develop proper technique and learn to use your body as a unit. That said, these concerns are not directly related to muscle growth.

man doing shoulder press exercise
Credit: Slatan / Shutterstock

If you want mass above all else, training your shoulders and biceps together is fine. To build skill and size at the same time, you’ll resort to many compound exercises.


As with any beginner bodybuilding workout, you can make a lot out of a little. many A surprisingly small number of these gains are due to the set. (1)

So, as a beginner, do this workout twice a week and focus on training hard. It’s a short session, but it pays off.

How to proceed

Early in your lifting career, your best bet for progress is to: Strength (safely) as hard as you can. In the context of resistance training, strength usually refers to how much weight you can lift as a percentage of your maximum reps.

You probably don’t have a maximum of 1 dumbbell curl, so in this context, think of intensity as a proxy for commonly used weights.please try Work with slightly heavier weights for at least one exercise each week.

Best Bodybuilding Shoulder and Biceps Workout – Intermediate

Pairing shoulders and biceps Muscle growth is right up your alley as an intermediate bodybuilder. If you’ve been training for a while, it’s a great time to experiment with how you organize your workouts to squeeze more juice out of each session.


Combining these two muscle groups allows you to focus on each repetition without worrying too much about building up muscle fatigue. We also use more complex techniques such as top sets and down sets and the occasional high intensity technique.

How to proceed

After spending a few years in the weight room, you may find it difficult to regularly slide another weight plate onto the barbell to promote your progress. An unfortunate consequence of his career. Your body is simply less sensitive to physical stress than it used to be.

However, that doesn’t mean you should absolutely do nothing. As an intermediate Volume and occasionally press muscle failure in the pastAccording to the literature, training to failure is not. need For optimal muscle growth, (2), but it might be especially helpful if you’re working with lighter weights and higher reps.

Best Bodybuilding Shoulder and Biceps Workout — Advanced

After years at the gym, you may have appreciated You’ve determined that your physique and your shoulders or biceps are your weak points. A sensible solution is to work on those muscles on the same day. That way, you can pay close attention to them.

A person doing barbell curls.
Credit: Ihor Bulyhin / Shutterstock`

However, you should also get creative with programming. Long-term muscle growth is a tall order, so be prepared to go down and dirty during your workouts and push your limits with every move.


As an advanced bodybuilder, you need massive training volumes to stimulate your muscles for growth. It gets brutal. Weave shoulder exercises in between each biceps exercise. Think of it like one very long superset.

Note: Do one set of 10 lateral raises between each set of the first three exercises.

How to proceed

Progress is very different from being a beginner. To continue progressing later in my bodybuilding career, I need to look into the finer details.

In practice, this means giving maximum mental focus, contracting your muscles as much as possible, and working hard on each repetition. Make sure it’s completely primitive formeven, especially when you’re tired.

You can also enlist the help of a training partner who can get you into (and out of) your pain cave. A good spotter will help push you beyond your limits and unlock previously underutilized muscle gains.

shoulder and biceps training tips

It’s certainly an unlikely combination, but don’t underestimate working your shoulders and biceps in the same session. You may find that it’s exactly what you need to start new growth in these areas. Keep these tips in mind before your next session.

Work weak muscles first

As a rule of thumb, we recommend starting each workout with large multi-joint compound exercises. This is definitely good advice for most lifters. This will prepare you for subsequent moves and allow you to focus on the match.

However, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a big compound lift that includes both shoulders and triceps. Start your workout with muscles that need a little more loveYou might be surprised at how focused you can be and how quickly you can burn your muscles when you’re fresh and ready.

So if your arms are weaker than your shoulders, start with heavy curls. If you need to work your deltoids, ideally start your session with an overhead he press.

Heavy biceps, light shoulders

This may seem counter-intuitive, but give it a try. The biceps is actually somewhat fast-twitch dominant, and its muscle fibers are well suited for violent, explosive contractions. like that, Heavier curling in the 6-8 reps range You may have to pay a dividend.

Conversely, the shoulder is made up of various small muscles that perform specific movements. This makes him a prime candidate for training on a high repetition metabolic rate. It’s generally difficult to maintain good form with a series of lateral raises if you’re using weights that are even slightly too heavy. When in doubt, Error on the lighter side and add some extra rep Instead.

try superset

Antagonistic supersets — working two muscles back to back that perform opposite or unrelated functions — are greatly underestimated in terms of muscle growth. This style of training works best when you combine your shoulders and biceps on the same day.

You can perform sets of overhead presses and dive into your favorite curl variations without worrying about muscle fatigue. Biceps and shoulders generally don’t have much synergy, so one can rest perfectly, the other is exhausted.

If you’re creating your own shoulder and biceps workout, or need to compress any of the above workouts to save time, try some supersets.

anatomy of the shoulder and biceps

These two tissues may not have much in common, but if you want to get the most value out of your muscle-building training, you need to understand how they work and how they work. there is.

shoulder anatomy

The shoulder is primarily made up of the triceps. Although there are several smaller structures in the scapula and glenohumeral joints, bodybuilding training primarily prioritizes the deltoid muscles.

Bodybuilder shoulders and biceps.
Credit: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock

The anterior or anterior deltoid works hard, performing shoulder flexion during almost any kind of push or press exercise. To target this head, you need to do a lateral raise.

Finally, the posterior deltoid stabilizes the shoulder girdle and pulls the arm to the side. Training the posterior deltoid is especially important for overall shoulder health and mobility, so don’t neglect it.

biceps brachii anatomy

You’ve probably been training your biceps since you first stepped into the weight room. His two-headed muscle in his upper arm, the biceps, extends from his shoulder blade to his forearm.

All types of curls (i.e. elbow bends) involve the biceps. However, there are also brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. These tissues perform similar functions. To emphasize biceps development above all else when training your arms, we recommend performing curls with a supinated or palm-to-ceiling grip.

Anti-sleeve campaign begins

If your wardrobe happens to consist of tank tops and sleeveless shirts, you’re probably on the prowl for a shoulder and bicep workout. It causes more arm tearing than any muscle.

However, it can be difficult to get a bodybuilding workout that combines them. When you train with , you can build your physique in more ways than you think. If you decide to try these workouts for your size, don’t forget to go sleeveless.


  1. Schoenfeld, BJ, Ogborn, D., and Krieger, JW (2017). Dose-response relationship between amount of weekly strength training and increased muscle mass: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Sports Science, 35(11), 1073–1082.
  2. Nobrega, SR, and Ribaldi, CA (2016). Is Resistance Training Necessary for Muscle Weakness? Frontiers in Physiology, 7, 10.

Featured image: Nikolas_jkd / Shutterstock

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