Home Health Care Trump Warns That if Kamala Harris Wins, ‘Everybody Gets Health Care’

Trump Warns That if Kamala Harris Wins, ‘Everybody Gets Health Care’

by Universalwellnesssystems

That’s far away It’s hard to remember now, but Donald Trump publicly supported single-payer health care, as did Vice President Kamala Harris. Neither candidate currently supports the idea. Despite this easily identifiable history, Trump on Thursday attacked Harris as if she still supported single-payer health care, arguing that it would be a bad idea to do so.

“She’s the co-sponsor of a very popular bill to end private health insurance, and she’s the one who’s helping 150,000 Americans get paid,” Trump said of Harris during a lengthy news conference at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. [million] She is slamming taxes on everyone by forcing them onto a terrible, socialist, government-run health care system with rationing and deadly wait times that Americans depend on. She is taking away your private health care.”

“This is the best health care system in the world,” he continued, before adding, “You’re going to be thrown into a communist system… You’re going to be thrown into a system where everyone has health care.”

None of this is true. Harris previously supported abolishing private health insurance and creating “Medicare for All,” or universal health care, but has since backtracked. Harris has yet to present her health care plan, but a spokesman recently said: NBC News“The Vice President is not going to push for single-payer as president.”

The US health care system is exceptional, but not because it offers the best medical care in the world. Pay much more We have higher health care costs and the worst health outcomes than residents of other high-income countries such as Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea and Australia. Our life expectancy is shorter, and infant mortality, maternal mortality and preventable deaths are all higher.

A Medicare for All system would increase taxes, the study show Americans as a whole would save money. Today, 8 percent 50% of Americans are uninsured, and tens of millions UnderinsuranceThis means that even though you have insurance, you are unable to get the medical services you need. Financially, not getting medical care ultimately leads to higher medical costs. Insurance companies periodically rejection patient’ careBecause it helps them increase their profits.

Trump argued on Thursday that if the US had universal health care, “you’d have to wait 10, 12, 11 months to see a doctor. If you look at how these systems work in other countries, it’s disgraceful.”

US Waiting Times Already long It’s not the worst of the rich countries, but it’s still poor.

At the end of his health care rant, Trump reiterated that Harris “might change her position.” “She’s changed on everything,” he said.

Same with Trump: A few years ago, he was a staunch supporter of single-payer health care.

“If you can’t treat sick people here at home, give up. You’re done. That’s not good. That’s why I’m very liberal on health care,” Trump said. He told Larry King in 1999“I believe in universal health care, I believe in doing whatever it takes to make people healthier and better.”

He added that healthcare should be seen as a “right.”

In a book published in 2000, The America we wantTrump Written The U.S. should “reconsider single-payer, as many states have done,” he argues. He has written favorably about Canada’s single-payer system: “U.S. administrative costs account for 25 percent of health care costs overall, which is 2.5 times higher than Canada’s. As in Canada, physicians may be paid less than they are now, but they would be able to treat more patients because they would have less administrative work. The Canadian system has also helped Canadians live longer and healthier lives than Americans.”


Trump did not support single-payer health care during the 2016 campaign but still defended the idea during Republican debates.

“In terms of single-payer, it’s worked well in Canada,” he said. “It’s worked remarkably well in Scotland. It might have worked better in a different era.”

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