Home Medicine Trump administration was ‘awash with speed’ and prescription drugs, says report

Trump administration was ‘awash with speed’ and prescription drugs, says report

by Universalwellnesssystems

Under President Donald Trump, the White House medical unit operated “like the Wild West,” with controlled substances distributed to government employees with a severe lack of oversight, the report said.

Medications such as Ambien and Provigil, which are used to treat excessive sleepiness, were distributed without verifying patients’ identities. The report states: From the Department of Defense (DoD) Inspector General.

According to staff, rolling stone Prescription drugs were used to cope with the uniquely stressful job of serving in the Trump administration, which the White House said was “full of speed.”

The newspaper said stimulants were administered to people who wrote Trump’s speeches, worked late-night shifts on foreign policy, responded to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation and fielded a flurry of media coverage. It is said that

Details of the medical unit’s activities are included in a report released by the Department of Defense on January 8th. Among the findings was that many of the White House Medical Department’s drug management practices did not comply with federal and Department of Defense guidance.

The report concluded that the problems arose because the medical department “does not consider itself a pharmacy” and relied on the White House Medical Department’s internal controls to ensure compliance with safety standards. Ta.

Stimulants were given to people working on drafting Trump’s speeches and doing various other tasks.


“We concluded that the White House Medical Department’s internal controls were ineffective,” the report said.

Among the problems cited was the medical department dispensing non-emergency medicines such as Ambien and Provigil without verifying the patient’s identity. The unit also kept over-the-counter medications in open boxes for patients to retrieve and use.

“It was like the Wild West. Things were pretty loose. Whatever someone needed, we were going to fill it,” said an anonymous source with direct knowledge of the matter. said. rolling stone.

Additionally, the force requires brand-name drugs rather than generic drugs, which can cost thousands of dollars. According to the report, the White House Medical Office spent an estimated $46,500 on brand-name Ambien over his three years, which is 174 times his price for the generic drug.

During the same period, the White House Medical Department also spent an estimated $98,000 on brand-name Provigil, 55 times the price of its generic equivalent.

Although not specifically mentioned in the report, other sources said: rolling stone Xanax (another type of anti-anxiety drug) was reportedly widely used by staff.

independent person has reached out to the Trump campaign for comment.

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