Home Mental Health Trendy green Matcha tea can help treat depression, study suggests

Trendy green Matcha tea can help treat depression, study suggests

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • Japanese researchers gave tea to isolated stress-susceptible mice
  • Results suggested that tea reduced their depression more than before
  • Read more: Matcha Helps You Live Longer, According to Harvard Longevity Experts

The trendy matcha, now sold at Starbucks and Dunkin’, may help fight depression, research suggests.

Japanese researchers gave tea to stress-sensitive mice that were socially isolated for a week.

They found that those who drank the tea had fewer signs of depression compared to rodents who received a water placebo.

Experts suggested that it may be because the tea stimulated the release of dopamine, the body’s pleasure hormone, which boosted the rodent’s mood.

“These results suggest that matcha powder exerts an antidepressant-like effect by activating the brain’s dopaminergic system,” said biochemist Yuki Kurauchi, Ph.D., who led the study. is influenced by the mental state of the individual.”

Study suggests matcha may help fight depression (stock photo)

About 21 million American adults are depressed and about 1 in 4 are children.

Matcha, made from powdered tea leaves, has been enjoyed in Japan for hundreds of years, forming the backbone of the tea ceremony.

It’s already been linked to many health benefits, including cancer prevention, weight loss, and improved heart health. even says

There’s also evidence that it can help improve mental performance and reduce symptoms of depression.

4 Hacks to Live Longer, According to a Harvard Professor

Molecular biologist David Sinclair, now on his 53rd birthday, claims DNA testing suggests his body is still 43 years old.

In the latest study, scientists tested the effects of drinking tea on a group of 190 mice.

Each was kept at a constant temperature of 71.6F (22C) and a 12-hour light-dark cycle for one week. They had unlimited access to food and water.

Next, some rodents were given matcha green tea about 30 minutes before their measured depression.

Scientists used the tail suspension test for this. Suspend the mouse’s tail with tape and observe for approximately 6 min.

In tests, happier mice are expected to struggle more to break free. However, depressed mice are expected to spend more time without movement.

As a result, it was found that the mice that drank matcha were more active than the same mice.

Researchers said this suggests that matcha may fight depression.

Examination of their brains showed more activity in the prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens. This suggests a possible dopamine boost.

Dr. Kurauchi of Kumamoto University added:


Mice bred to be susceptible to stress showed positive effects from drinking matcha. But those who were not bred for this did not.

It was not clear how well the results of this study would apply to humans.

The matcha used is made by AIYA, a company based in Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture. That tea is available in the US.

This research was partially funded by AIYA.It was published in the magazine nutrients.

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