Home Products Trauma, gaslighting, boundaries: The limits of therapy-speak

Trauma, gaslighting, boundaries: The limits of therapy-speak

by Universalwellnesssystems

Therapy rooms are staffed by licensed marriage and family therapists. Moeari Brown I’ve been working on definitions lately. A client might say: “Her relationship with her mother sucks. Clients usually describe themselves as self-centered or egotistical, but not as clinically defined as “narcissistic personality disorder.”Patterns of grandiosity, need for admiration, lack of empathy,” according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Brown then emphasizes the difference between being a difficult family member and using a mental health examination to judge someone, instead asking him to use more specific terms to describe the relationship. I recommend it to my clients.

“Narcissist” is just one term my clients use colloquially between friends and therapists. Mental health experts are pushing back against the misuse of fabricated labels like ‘trauma’, ‘gaslighting’, ‘borderline’, ‘triggers’ and even ‘mother’s wounds’, he said. Jacqueline Tenaglia, Licensed Mental Health Counselor. (“My understanding is that this refers to trauma from her mother. Sometimes pop psychology lacks a clear definition,” she says.)

Terms that were usually confined to psychological contexts are becoming more and more mainstream.As More people seeking mental health treatmentMore therapists shared, especially in the midst of the pandemic psychology concept upon Social media, a large part of society introduced speech therapy.dubbing therapy speaking, the phenomenon brought new vocabulary to the masses, but confused many definitions in the process. While these terms prove effective for those who have come to be able to name their experiences, the language of therapy can eliminate all nuances from conversations. For example, calling your mother a narcissist when she isn’t can inadvertently ignore other important aspects of the relationship that don’t clearly fit that definition. As a result, your relationship can stagnate and neither side knows how to fix it.

Life is not as simple as therapy says. ‘There are stages in the human experience,’ says therapist Isla Nasir, and therapy language is often the most extreme way to describe those experiences. Friends are not narcissistic even if they are selfish. You can feel stress without experiencing trauma. Partners can lie without gaslighting. Rather, mental health experts recommend embracing the nuances and avoiding pathologizing normal behavior, even if it’s annoying and painful.

Why Therapy Stork Is Attractive

According to Nasir, the prevalence of therapeutic terminology has had a net positive effect on normalizing mental health. As mental health terminology becomes more mainstream, people are able to describe their experiences in concrete terms. But the context of that language has changed. Like most terms that reflect the cultural zeitgeist, definitions of therapy-related words change as they make their way through the dictionary.

For example, the word “trauma” has virtually changed from the word “trauma” through the long-running phone game. “Emotional reactions to horrific events such as accidents, rapes, and natural disasters.”says Tenaglia. in fact, Traumatic events are often severe, such as abuse and mass shootings. While people regularly encounter stressful situations and the experience shouldn’t be taken lightly, there is another way to use the word “trauma” to describe the strained relationship you have with your in-laws. “I gave the example of arriving late to a job interview and panicking because there was traffic,” says Tenaglia. “It’s a stress response. It’s something that affects you on a physiological level. We can have normal physical reactions without being considered.”

Says therapy speech works as a shortcut for words with kaleidoscope of meanings Carolina Bandinelli, Associate Professor of Media and Creative Industries, University of Warwick. But tagging people as “toxic,” for example, isn’t productive, she says. Because there is no dialogue or interrogation of what “toxic” means or how it manifests itself in people or situations. It is important not only to identify a person or experience by name in the first place, but also to consider the motivation for using that label.

People with new vocabularies become more or less attached to terms that summarize particular events or people to strengthen their arguments or justify their experiences. Having a common language to describe difficult situations helps people communicate their concerns more effectively and build support, but these terms can be weaponized just as easily. is. Did you accuse your partner of gaslighting because they manipulated the facts into making you question reality, or because you wanted to know the last word? There are people who are arming themselves with these terms, not necessarily maliciously, but as a way to ‘win’ an argument, to make their point,” Nasir says.

Consider Your Intent When Using Therapy Speech

To correct course regarding therapy speech, therapists say we need to look back at past uses of these terms. Remember the last time you used therapy speech? What was your intention? What kind of message did you want to convey? Why are we drawn to intense emotional expressions? Tenaglia says people often use words like “trauma” when they’re experiencing stress reactions. Alternatively, “gaslighting” is used to describe disagreements, Nasir said. Go beyond the emotional short-sightedness these words provide and uncover the real cause of your discomfort. “Being able to identify emotions is very important in being able to control them,” says Nasir. “It’s not the same when someone makes a mistake and someone intentionally does it wrong.”

Bandinelli says he asks behaviors he or she tends to deem “toxic” or “narcissistic” to explain why they used the phrase and why they might use it in the future. . “Why do you say this is toxic?” she says. “Because it hurts? And what kind of injury?” Again, it is possible for someone to accept that he or she has inflicted emotional distress without pathologicalizing his or her behavior.

If you’ve labeled others as therapeutic remarks, ask yourself if you’ve done the same, says Bandinelli. Is canceling plans at the last minute setting boundaries if you do it yourself but narcissistic if others do it?

Perhaps you’re used to being validated when you describe disagreements and stressors in extreme ways, says Tenaglia. “If so, what does that say about our support system and our needs?” she says. You may find therapy to be a more constructive place to seek emotional help.

Use more words instead of fewer to describe the situation

The term therapy itself isn’t bad, but the term is misused, Tenaglia said. We have to learn the meaning of certain words carefully and leverage certain languages ​​when these phrases don’t apply exactly. For example, “bonding through trauma” does not mean bonding over shared difficult experiences. that is, Abused people feel an emotional connection with their abusers.

Instead of defaulting to a therapy-like story, Brown suggests using more words to describe your experience. “Often we use terms to summarize what we need to do to understand something globally. Because I think,” he says. In reality, your perception of gaslighting may be different than others. When a client gives a therapy speech, Mr. Brown asks him to describe the event in detail. Describe the situation and how you feel in a few sentences, not just a few words. “If you want to call someone a narcissist, what do you mean?” says Brown. What I mean is that I have experienced that they value themselves and don’t take the time to be aware of the needs of others. It’s okay to say so because it really articulates what you’re thinking. ”

Save Therapy – Talk for Therapy

Therapy speeches are best used in a therapy context where a professional can correct misunderstandings or ask for more information. Overuse of these terms can dull their importance and, for example, minimize the experience of people who have actually dealt with people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. For this reason, Brown suggests limiting the use of common mental health terms outside of counseling settings. “Most people don’t experience gaslighting on a daily basis unless they’re in a relationship where gaslighting actually happens,” he says. “Again, therapy is a good context to really explore what’s going on there.”

Identify your feelings, take the space to properly describe them, and validate your experience. What you are feeling is real. It may not necessarily be trauma.

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