“The relationship between the labor process, which Marx often called the ‘retreat’ of industrial capitalism, and the social reproduction of the industrial labor force. Remaining in the status quo of commercial capitalism based on unproductive labor, facing the apocalypse of the environment, half wild earth The market cannot be achieved alone, the formation of national industrial policy is also national environmental policy at the same time. MMT isn’t necessarily the answer, but it can show how to limit dependence on some market solutions for public goods. The scarcity of gold as a natural resource must be regarded as no different than the scarcity of health care. No more “sputnik” or moonshot moments. Just save the planet.
Beyond the drug price market are other measures needed to regulate inflation and enforce laws against counterfeit drugs and opioid crime like Sackler. Even ignoring the urgency of the climate crisis, comprehensive industrial policies suggested only by a Green New Deal are essential. Beyond the mystery of hidden costs and ‘surplus value’. In contrast, a coherent ecological critique of capitalism requires an understanding of the dialectical contradiction between the natural form and the value form inherent in the commodity economy. (Value Isn’t Everything. By John Bellamy Foster and Paul Burkett. 2018)
Renewable energy policies are driven solely by markets guided by inclusive national policies, not by mystical beliefs in incentive-driven “free markets”.there is Nationally measurable surplus value Needs to be incorporated into national industrial and post-industrial policies Sabel & Piole Towards the Second Industrial Disruption or the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Having such measures facilitates the analyses of a broader range of cost-structures beyond transactions and externalities.
The manufacture of pharmaceuticals and other prescriptions, for example, is industrial production as well as health care and public policy.Ecology is more than Gaia-like Totalitarianism Discourse, it’s also more than benign scientific anarchism.
The confusion arises because the federal government is not subject to budget balancing like everyone else – individuals, corporations, state and local governments – must do. MMT isn’t really a theory, it’s a description of how the monetary system works. Here is a simple chart.
how i wrote a long piece MMT is key to funding the new Green Deal and progressive agenda.here is short 10 minute instructional video by MMT Economist Fadel Kaboob It describes an MMT framework that can manage and fund this transition without causing inflation.
industry Oppose data disclosure under the new price transparency law. In the past, almost impossible for employers To find out how much the insurance company agreed to pay. So, in theory, employers can use the new data to get better deals. But to use it you have to get it. And that’s the problem.
In the newly released data, each ‘negotiated fee’ (or simply ‘price’) is associated with a lot of metadata, but in summary: who is paying, who is paying, What you are paying for, plus some metadata. Extra fluff for tracking version control. Hundreds of billions (perhaps over a trillion) of prices in the dataset are the result of all possible combinations of these things. A code can have different types or versions. A service code can be included in the price. and so on.
And because prices fluctuate, insurance companies release new versions of these 100 TB files every month.
I simply thought insurance companies would publish the prices they negotiated with 6,000 US hospitals. I was wrong.
The back-of-the-envelope calculator simply counts how many prices are in each file and multiplies by the number of files to get an approximation of various prices over 500B. But this is from only a handful of insurance companies I’ve scraped (and complied with). All in all, the total number of prices could exceed 1 trillion.
This is because the data dump contains negotiated rates with all entities that the insurance company has contracts with. It’s impossible to know how many there are without directly looking at the files “in the network”, but a quick look reveals that there are millions.
Humana was abandoned Nearly 500,000 compressed CSV files 50 TB total compressed (up to 600 TB uncompressed). At a price of about 70,000 per 9 MB file, this translates to about 400 billion individual prices negotiated with various providers.