Home Health Care To keep people safe, Congress should invest in what communities need

To keep people safe, Congress should invest in what communities need

by Universalwellnesssystems

In recent months, some lawmakers have pushed for the passage of a new “public safety” bill that would devote more resources to police departments across the country. These lawmakers point to concerns about rising crime rates and violence. But I rarely hear people asking basic questions. If our goal is to keep our families and communities safe, will these investments work? And what do our communities actually want?

Last week, researchers from the Brookings Institution, the Vera Institute of Justice, civil rights groups and the Color of Change evidence-based policy blueprint Demonstrate investment in the most effective prevention of violence and harm.this is key insight It’s simple: prevention is what public health is to us most influential way Active investment to maintain people’s healthSocial determinants of safetyis the most effective way to keep individuals, families and communities safe. It’s time for our policies to reflect this reality.

Since parliament passed infamous Thirty years ago, in the 1994 Crime Bill, lawmakers devoted resources to Community-Oriented Police Services (COPS) and similar fundraising programs. For the past 25 years, state and local police have Over $14 billion largely totally inexplicable COPS dollar.I received my COPS last year More than double The one I received 10 years ago.And just a month ago, COPS gave another $100 million safer community law.

Where have these billions taken us? Nowhere.apart from leading all countries In criminalization and incarceration, the United States Less secure than peer countriesOur rates of gun violence are much higher than our international counterparts.our mass shooting epidemic It remains a uniquely American tragedy. Black and brown communities are losing loved ones at the hands of police officers.and our children are suffering mental health crisis Of devastating proportions.

Additional investment in police funds will not address these issues or provide security for all communities. In contrast, overwhelming evidence About what works: public health and prevention, economic opportunity and housing security, youth development and education, proactive investment in built environments and community spaces, and making these investments sustainable. institutional change to

Looking first to public health, the links between treatment, access to health care and safety are very clear. This is because health has a direct impact on safety and mental health treatment, addiction serviceWhen Access to healthcare It has been shown to significantly reduce violence and harm.Violence prevention programs — including: cure violence, advance peace When Hospital-based peer intervention — has helped reduce gun homicides. about 20%In addition to non-cancer crisis response programs, successfully bypass A call that would otherwise trigger a police response help reduce low level crime.

Investing in housing, jobs and financial security has proven equally effective. Violent crime has decreased by increasing youth employment, including through summer jobs. 43 percent in the meantime Expansion of rental access, Reducing socioeconomic segregation, Foreclosure reduction When Financing structural repairs It has greatly reduced violence and crime.

Investing in young people in particular youth violence prevention, early childhood education When Wraparound school service, are some of our most long-term and impactful investments. Also, investments in neighborhood spaces and community organizations, etc. PhilKousei Building, Increased green space, improved lighting, Funding Neighborhood Projects others Centered on community leadership Important for an overarching strategy.

This evidence is not just a summary of existing research. It’s a blueprint that federal policymakers can use to make comprehensive, high-impact investments in what they know works. And fortunately, the evidence leads to many solutions that already exist. current program Concrete ideas for new bills. Moreover, the evidence suggests policy solutions that keep entire communities safe by forestalling violence and harm while saving billions of dollars. that’s right, studNo When evaluating crime prevention, we generally find that the benefits far outweigh the costs.

Congress must enact a legislative agenda that makes bold and historic investments safely. But this package should reflect what the evidence shows, not policies that misdirect taxpayer resources and undermine the safety of our families. This fall and next year, we will call on Congressmen to finally ensure safety. Demand accountability for failure to perform a material duty.

Sakira Cook is Co-Interim Vice President of Color of Change.

Thea Sebastian is Policy Director of Civil Rights Corps and Director of Futures Collaborative.

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