Home Nutrition Tips on staying healthy and hydrated during a hot and humid Ramadan

Tips on staying healthy and hydrated during a hot and humid Ramadan

by Universalwellnesssystems

KUALA LUMPUR, March 23 — Fasting in Ramadan is already difficult, but breaking the fast in hot and humid weather can be even more difficult.

A heatwave continues to hit Malaysia during this holy month, with many Muslims braving the heat and fasting from sunrise to sunset.



If not followed correctly, a lack of nutrition and fluids in hot weather can lead to dehydration, dizziness, stomach pain, and fainting.

Since you only eat and get nutrients twice a day, it can be difficult to fuel your body with a balanced diet.

So how can fasters stay healthy and hydrated during the heat wave this Ramadan season?

malay mail We recently gathered some helpful tips from Nur Syahnadz Zareithy, Wellness Director and Nutritionist at Sunway Healthcare.

avoid heat

To reduce the effects of heat while fasting, Shahnaz recommended the following steps:

Avoid sunlight outdoors: Minimize outdoor activities during peak heat hours and seek shade when needed.

Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids during meals before dawn and after dusk to prevent dehydration.

Stay cool: Stay comfortable by showering, using damp cloths, and making sure your living space is well ventilated.

Shahnaz added that these decisions should be based on how active employees are during work hours and how much time they need to be outdoors.

healthy eating is important

A healthy and balanced meal for sahoor and iftar is the key to fueling your body. — Photo: Miera Zulyana

According to Shahnaz, the most important thing to stay healthy is your diet during this time. Sahoor (before dawn) and iftar Meal (after sunset).

While sahoor should consist of nutritious foods that provide sustained energy, iftar should start with dates and water to stay hydrated and regulate blood sugar levels.

Although there are no strict dietary restrictions during Ramadan, prioritizing certain food choices can help maintain energy levels throughout the day.

High-fiber foods: Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains aid digestion and prevent blood sugar levels from rising.

Lean protein: Use rich sources like chicken, fish, legumes, and eggs to promote muscle repair and keep you full.

Complex carbohydrates: Choose whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and oats to release energy slowly throughout the day.

Dates: Rich in fiber and with a low glycemic index, dates serve as an excellent source of natural sugars to break your fast.

Shahnaz advised avoiding unhealthy foods and drinks such as caffeine, sweet foods and fried foods, which can cause thirst and fatigue.

If you require medication for a chronic disease, please consult your doctor and adjust the dosage and time according to your fasting condition.

Get enough rest

Quality sleep plays an important role in managing hunger and maintaining overall health during Ramadan.

“Studies have shown that people who sleep less have lower levels of ghrelin (the hunger hormone) than people who sleep more,” she says.

“Eating good quality food can help you maintain your weight. This is why you sometimes feel hungry when you wake up from a nap or sleep. So it depends on how your body responds. It will be decided.”

While napping may be appealing, Shahnaz says it’s important to prioritize mental activity over extended daytime sleep.

She said Muslims should practice their customs during the day. Ibadan (worship).

“Fasting during Ramadan is important in our religion because it is a practice we do after reaching a certain age, which we call ‘maturity’,” the nutritionist said.


In some cases, a person’s health condition may suddenly deteriorate. In this case, it is okay to stop fasting.

Shahnaz said Islam allows breaking the fast in dire situations where it poses a risk to health or well-being.

Situations such as pregnancy, illness, or strenuous physical labor should exempt you from fasting.

However, he advised individuals to consult religious scholars and medical professionals for guidance in such cases.

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