Home Fitness Tips From Pro Bodybuilders Including Sadik Hadzovic

Tips From Pro Bodybuilders Including Sadik Hadzovic

by Universalwellnesssystems

Professional bodybuilder Sadik Hadzovic said having clear goals and mental strength are the keys to developing a great physique.
Courtesy of C4

  • Elite bodybuilders excel at building lean muscle while keeping body fat low.
  • Achieving a competition-ready physique requires intense dedication and hard work.
  • But even if you don’t become a pro, with proper planning and practice, you can achieve better results.

Bodybuilding is a competitive sport that involves building toned muscles and creating a beautiful physique. Training techniques used by professionals can help even non-professionals reap the benefits. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Getting completely ripped requires discipline and careful planning as much as it takes grueling gym sessions. Sadik Hadzovicis a professional bodybuilder and fitness model with over 10 years of experience in competitions including the Elite Mr. Olympia contest.

“One of the biggest surprising factors in successful bodybuilders is the need for short-term gratification in order to achieve their ultimate physical goals and become 0.01% of the world,” said Hasovic, C4 Energy’s brand ambassador. “It’s the ability to sacrifice,” he told Insider.

The world’s best bodybuilders follow basic rules for building muscle and burning fat that regular athletes can also use to achieve their fitness goals.

With simple strategies like planning your training cycles, choosing the right exercises, and understanding your nutritional needs, you can get the most out of your workouts and diet without making staying in shape a full-time job. can do.

Building muscle like a bodybuilder requires a systematic plan

According to Hadzovich, the first major rule of bodybuilding is that if you don’t know what your goal is, you’re unlikely to make progress.

It takes time to change your body. build a significant amount of muscle. It is also possible to do both at the same time, the most effective training program It helps you set priorities and work toward them for at least a few months, a personal trainer previously told Insider. without a specific goalIt’s easy to waste time with haphazard training or yo-yo dieting.

Instead, proactively plan what you want to accomplish and the steps you’ll need to take to get there before you commit to it.

Bodybuilding workouts emphasize time under tension

To plan your workouts like a bodybuilder, you’ll need a program that includes exercises for hypertrophy and maximizing muscle size.

Building muscle involves breaking down muscle tissue through strength training, such as weightlifting.The more stress you put on your muscles, the more they can grow back and adapt. bigger and strongerAndre Adams, a bodybuilder and master trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine, previously told Insider.

Research suggests that: The best workouts to build muscle require spending time under tensionwork your muscles using evidence-based techniques such as:

  • eccentric exercise: Focus on the lowering and lengthening portions of the exercise, such as coming down from the top of a pull-up or bringing the weight back from the top of a bicep curl.

  • Isometrics hold: Contracting your muscles in a stationary position such as a plank. This can be combined with other exercises as a “pause rep” by holding briefly at the end of the movement.

  • tempo practice: Slows down movements and increases muscle tone. For example, he counts to five when getting into a squat position.

  • drop set: Once you complete a set, lower the weight and immediately perform another set, repeating until complete. another person cannot Even if you weigh less.

To build muscle effectively, it’s important to push your muscles hard enough to encourage them to grow bigger and stronger. Also, in order to continue to make profits, you need to keep trying over time. This is a principle known as . progressive overload.

“Success in bodybuilding is all about yourself and your ability to work even when you don’t feel like it,” Hadzovich said.

Bodybuilding requires strict discipline, including diet, routine, and recovery

Weightlifting is not the only requirement for bodybuilding. You also need to manage your nutrition. eat enough to build musclebodybuilder Holly Baxter previously told Insider that if you want to burn fat, stick to a stricter diet.

Staying true to a routine can be a big challenge, according to Hadzovic.

“When we think of bodybuilders, we often think of physical strength, but bodybuilders also have tremendous mental strength,” he said. “The ability to not only get through training, but conquer the other 22 hours of the day. Every rep, every meal, every drop of water, every moment to recover,” Hadzovich said.

While it may not be possible for the average person to readjust their entire life around their fitness goals, you must be patient and be prepared to follow your plan consistently and long-term to see results. there is.

If you want to grow muscle, you need to take your rest as seriously as you take your training, get enough sleep, and set aside time for exercise. active recoverya move that improves blood flow to the muscles without putting extra strain on them, bodybuilder Stan Efferding previously told Insider.

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